Please Read This and Pray for Someone Special To Me

There is a woman I know. She is one of my mom's best friends. They've known each other since I was born. To say that she has had some hard things happen in her life is such an understatement. And right now, she's facing one more.
Her husband of a few years had a heart attack. I'm not going to go into all the details, but it doesn't look good. He's on a ventilator with no brain activity.
HOWEVER, the doctor said the Lord heals. THE DOCTOR said that. There is a chance. Our God is a God who has the power to heal. Sometimes He chooses to heal our bodies on this side of heaven. I pray that this is one of those times. He needs a miracle that seems so impossible.
If you read this would you pray? Would you pray that God would show His power in this situation? We, in our humanness, see things in a certain way, and our hearts want things to be the way they were. For things to be the way they were, or at least not to be even worse than having to say good bye, then the Lord would have to move in a way that would be unexplainable outside of HE DID THAT! You know?
Please pray for this family. And for this man. I am refraining from using their names for their privacy, but God knows each one. I am not going to carry on, either. He can do anything.
Oh, that we may trust His hand, and lean heavily on Him no matter what.
I'm also going to leave this post here for a while, so that if someone happens upon it, there might be one more person to lift up my mom's friend and her family.
You know, I think she might consider me a friend as well...My dear friend, if you read this, please know that we are praying. I'll be on my knees.

Reader Comments (8)
I will be praying.
We can trust in the Lord! He is in control. You are all in my heart and I will say a prayer.
Thank you, thank you!
Praying here, for him and touched by your sweetness.
Thank you so much for blessing my life with you comment on my blog. I was amazed that are moving stories are SO similar. We moved from the starter home to the dream home just down four blocks. Before we lived in the new house a year, we were transferred across country. Hubby left a month before the six kids and me. Two months in temp housing from company, one year in a rental, then we bought. A major move three summers in a row.
Remember, God's desire for order in our lives isn't a mere reference to having a perfectly clean home and having it NOW. Yes, we function better when it is organized, but it doesn't have to all be today. I think spiritual order is way more important. We bless the Lord more by reading and praying and honoring our husbands first, then working some. By putting Him first, I know the rest will come. Box by box. Hoarded item by hoarded item. May we both be patient until that last box is unpacked! :)
"Dear Heavenly Father, I just want to lift up this precious man to you know who is needing a miracle for healing. We know you can heal, we worship you as the Great Physician, but we are also subject to your will. Even knowing that, Lord, we would ask you with love and honor, that you would allow healing in the man's life. I pray that this dear woman would feel your presence so strongly that she would be able to count it all joy in this testing of her faith. Give their friends the wisdom to know what to do and what to say to minister in a way that would bring glory and honor to your Holy Name. We ask for these things in Jesus' Precious Name. Amen."
That sounds like a tough situation Christina. May His will be done.
Thanks, Christina. We are all praying for a miracle here in Richmond. My aunt has definitely been dealt a difficult hand in life, and she is the strongest person I know. Given all she has gone through she has managed to stay a positive, kind, loving and sane person. The family appreciates all the thoughts and prayers stretching out across the country.
praying right now