From Yoda and Me...

I think there are some interesting things to be learned from the Jedi Master, Yoda. Here are a few of the famous, and wise, things that he said.
Do or do not...there is no try.
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
[Luke:] I can't believe it. [Yoda:] That is why you fail.
Named must your fear be before banish it you can.
Size matters not.
So certain are you. Always with you it cannot be done. Hear you nothing that I say?
Already know you that which you need...
See? He was a pretty smart old guy. I want to leave you with one final quote as you begin this new week; it may be the most well-known of all, and this is the one that is from the both of us (I took the liberty of paraphrasing a bit)...
May the force beat with you.
edited to add: If you are paying very careful attention, you will notice why this post is funny. If you are not paying very careful attention, you will just think I am extremely weird. I also have to say: Found things as they were, I did.

Reader Comments (9)
So . . . I have never seen Star Wars. Can you believe it?
I had never realized how inspiring Yoda is and was all set to think hard on his sayings until I saw him sitting on an egg beater. :)
beat this post you cannot (=D). I love it girl, I missed you! I kept thinking "wonder what they are up to" I hate being away for so long.
Im still giggling!
OMIGOSH!! I am at work and I actually really, truly and loudly busted out in laughter that you could here two blocks away!! So...the question is...did you find out "who" was responsible for Yoda ending up on the egg beater?!!!
p.s.....I'm still laughing!!!!
Found you through Lissa's blog and wanted to comment your comment...I think I share your problem, if that is what we call it?? I too belive in and for everyone else and not so much myself...why is that?? is the magical question. If you find the answer please share!
Love the tiny little hidden Jedi...MAY THE FORCE BE WITH HIM! Totally made me smile :)
You're so fun. :) Just goes to show how ubiquitous Star Wars is.
so funny!