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To Post or Not to Post

I have started at least three posts with more silly pictures, and not been able to finish them; my heart wasn't in them.  So, here goes number four (I think).  Hopefully it will be an entire post.  I will also aim for coherence, but I'm making no promises there.

Through the many months that I have been blogging I have given a lot of thought as to what kind of blog I want this to be.  Of course, when I started it (I should say,"When Mike started it...", he's behind all the technical stuff), I wanted to give people like my parents and Mike's family a way to know what we were up to day in and day out.  I also wanted it to be a place where other moms could maybe find a laugh, a place that they might come to, read a little about our life, and think,"Whew!  We're not the only ones who [fill in the blank with any number of things...forget water bottles and soccer games; leave clean laundry sitting around for days; eat cereal for dinner; have "those days"]!"  Sometimes I thought that if I could make one person smile (or better yet, laugh out loud), and feel not so alone, then I would have accomplished something great.

These days I have struggled to find positive things to write about.  Or even negative things with a funny twist.  I hate saying that.  I know in my head that there are good things, but I'm not the person to write about them right now.  Most people would look at my life, our life here in Dallas, and not understand at all where I am coming from.  Shoot.  I don't even understand where I am coming from.  The main point I'm trying to make is this, though...for a while, I'm not sure what blogging will look like for me.  I might take a break.  I might post a few things here and there so that family members can see what things the kids are doing, since they are far away.  But I'm not sure that I have it in me to do what I would really like to do here, at least for a time. So...BORING BLOG ALERT!  BORING BLOG ALERT!

For the most part, I have loved doing this blogging thing.  I have enjoyed immensely interacting with other ladies out there who like to write, who have funny or touching stories to tell, and especially making my mom spit her food and drink out when she reads certain stories.  I hope that I can get back into it with my whole heart one day.  I miss it already. 

We'll see what happens.  I'll keep you posted!

Reader Comments (10)

Everyone needs a break every now and then...take some time away...and use that time to press in. Don't worry about entertaining others...allow God to entertain you for a little while. Spend the time you'd normally spend blogging...with HIM. You will come away feeling refreshed and renewed. And then you can get back to making us all smile again. :o) God delights in you are so beautiful!

March 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjen

I was, and maybe am, about to post a very similar post.

March 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChandra

I hope you feel like blogging again soon! Hope you are okay. :)

March 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterThe Lumberjack's Wife

I totally know what you mean. After the earthquake in Haiti happened, I sort of viewed this whole blogging thing as a little self-engrossing (is that a word?) and don't take that personally... I am totally self-engrossed. Yesterday I was diagnosed with Mono so I am now even MORE self-engrossed. I pray as Jen stated, you will spend more time enjoying God, as He delights in you. Love you!!

March 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMissy

I completely get it. Have had similar feelings at different times. Pray about it and do what feels peaceful.

March 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterElle Bee

Hi Christina,
Thank you so much for your sweet comment today. I'm happy that my dad's tooth fairy story gave you a chuckle. I just want to encourage you (and remember myself) that blogging should never be a chore. Remember that you and your family are more important and your blog should be about what makes you happy (or sad..or mad : ) Whatever that may be. When you post what you care about...the people who care about the same things will respond. : ) I don't think your post was boring at all.

God bless you and your beautiful family (your Christmas pictures are great!)

: )

Julie M.

ps I saw that you're reading Gary Haugen's book, his wife Jan was my discipleship leader in highschool.

March 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJulie M.

Thanks for stopping by. I'm getting used to shocking people's pants off. :) Hope your blogging becomes a relaxing outlet for you. Don't stress about it. Sometimes I wonder if I'm boring as well, but then I have to stoip and remember this is not supposed to be a competion, but a way for me to journal my family's life as best as I can and if I can challenge someone or make somebody laugh along the way, great - but I'm not doing it for anyone else, but MY FAMILY, and I know that despite my typos, they really will treasure the memories forever. And yours will too. :)

March 8, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjesss

Shoot. I didn't check blogs this weekend and I wish I had now. Christina I'm so sorry you're down. Please let your blog be the least of your worries. Living life is more important than documenting it. And if you need to post yucky stuff, you go right ahead. "Real" is not boring.

March 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMindee@ourfrontdoor

Hugs and prayers, roomie!

March 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

We all get to this point sometimes! I do, often. :)

March 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBeki - TheRustedChain

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