
We can play our best defense...
We can give it our all...
We can be alert and ready for action...
We can keep our eyes on the ball...
We can sometimes succeed in that defense...
But then there are times we are just not able to keep the other team from scoring a goal.
Soccer? It's just a game. But in life, the defeats can seem overwhelming.
Christian had a hard time at his game today; he sat out one quarter and cried because his team rarely scores and has never won. He is a good soccer player and most of the boys on the team try really hard. The thing is, they go to a very small private school. There is no playing field, and while they do get a recess each day they play on a small playground within the church's campus. The kids that they play soccer against go to bigger schools and likely play soccer almost every day. They know what they are doing. They are aggressive, too. So, Christian's team struggles to compete with these guys who are more savvy on the field.
I felt like Christian seemed like the day was too much for me at one point. I couldn't play defense. I had a terrible experience with Eliana in a store; terrible, like, I had to leave she was screaming so loudly. There were women who actually said, so that I could hear them,"Oh my gosh!" I didn't know what made me more upset. I have to say, we both carried on in the car-she screamed at me, and I responded in a way that was less than grown-up. I finally realized that I just needed to be quiet. When we got home she crashed in the bed with Mike and I escaped for a bit all by myself.
The rest of the day was a little better. I had to finish it out, right? Just like Christian had to get back in the game. He joined his team again, and while he was still upset he played hard till the end. And although they lost, he chose not to dwell on that. There was a cookie, after all! It's good when you can taste the sweet after defeat.
I confess that I go to the wrong place for the sweet. I want to be more diligent about seeking sweetness in a better place. Psalm 34:8 says,"Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." Isn't that beautiful? Refuge is defined in this way: shelter or protection from danger or distress; a place that provides shelter or protection; something to which one has recourse in difficulty (Merriam-Webster online). There is no better place to go than to the Lord. It is something that I know and yet am still learning.

Reader Comments (3)
Christian's soccer experience was a great analogy for the larger life experience of coping with challenge, disappointment, defeat and struggle. It really is hard to get back in the game sometimes. Good for him, and good for you!!
For me, I consider it a major victory that I didn't blow my stack when my teenager rolled his eyes tonight and said for the thousandth time that homework is "stupid" and that he "doesn't care anyway." The fact that an hour later he and I are actually on friendly speaking terms and ultimately had a productive conversation can ONLY be the work of the Holy Spirit.
The Lord is our shelter and very present help in times of trouble, INDEED!! Amen!
Beautiful post! Those days are hard, but you are right, we have to keep going. How wonderful it it to take refuge in Him.
I hope tomorrow goes better for you. Hard days come, but we can always look forward to better things. :)
Marla @