OoooWeeeOooo I Look Just Like Buddy Holly...

Recently I broke my glasses.
I did. I had them in my hands and I twisted the stem right off. I was trying to be so gentle, and just tweak the part that goes over your ear ever so slightly. Apparently I am as gentle as an angry Incredible Hulk.
I am also as smart as I am gentle. I left the remainder of my glasses on the table next to my bed, and Eliana finished them off. I suppose she may have thought she was doing the right thing, since Mommy had twisted one stem off, she was helping by doing the other. It was a total act of kindness.
I was left with...
I got these frameless glasses several years ago. They were a big change for me. For a long time I had what you might call chunky glasses. I don't remember my first pair, but these are hard to forget...
These glasses along with my braces made quite a combination. At least my Richard Simmons and Diana Ross' love-child hair was growing out. Just in case you missed that...
Once I started wearing contacts there was no looking back for me. Glasses of any kind were a thing of the past.
Until I had babies.
Babies require waking up in the middle of the night, and sleeping at all hours of the day to make up for it. I couldn't be fooling around with contacts all day and night. In and out, in and out. Forget it! I decided to get some new glasses just before Michaela was born. It was agonizing. To revisit something that brought back so many memories and made me feel just like I was back in the seventh grade was hard. But Mike was with me and we talked with the sales person, and I tried on hundreds of pairs, and we reasoned about which kind of frame would be good for such a strong prescription (I'm practically blind). We finally settled on what came to be known as the Buddy Hollys.
For the next four years or so, I wore these glasses A LOT. I did wear my contacts for special occasions, and during the summer when I wore sunglasses, but with small children, it was so convenient to have glasses!
After Michaela and Christian got a little bigger, I began to wear my contacts more again. I felt like I looked less tired, and it helped me to have more normal days when I didn't think,"I can just close my eyes right now!"
Then I got pregnant with prescription had changed and so had the times. I needed an update. Buddy Holly was so...1950s. Or 2001. I ended up with a very different pair of glasses. These didn't even have frames. But the tech who made them was confident that they could still handle my prescription.
(YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE PRESCRIPTION! I'm thinking of you, Ree!)
After Eliana was born I wore these glasses A LOT.
But again, I often felt like they made me look tired and feel tired. It's just too easy to close your eyes when you don't have your contacts in! Or maybe I need toothpicks.
At any rate, I have been trying to wear my contacts more lately, especially since my little accident. But there are defiinitely times when I just don't want to hold my eyelids open and stick little plastic circles onto my eyeballs. The eyeballs rebel. And for those times, I have once again pulled out the Buddy Hollys...
It's like we were twins separated at birth...and by 38 years.
Maybe I should have been born in another decade...there seems to be no escaping it.
And for all of you nerds out there who are perplexed as to the way I used Buddy Holly's name, with an "s" and no punctuation...I tried to figure out how I should write it and that seemed like the right way. It's not possessive, it's not plural, and I couldn't find a hard and fast rule about using a proper noun this way. I'm happy to learn if you have info about that. I think that would qualify me as a nerd, as well.

Reader Comments (9)
Ha! But they really aren't that bad, I don't think!!
I think you look classy and dignified. :)
Well, that certainly describes a T. hahaha!
Your kids look just like you!
such a FUNny post! you are adorable in your glasses... especially since you're out of the 7th grade. ; ) i think glasses are fantastic. it's like another cute lil' accessory that's actually useful! happy glasses wearing to you.
So THAT is my problem. In order to stop taking naps I just need to start wearing contacts. Problem is I don't need glasses.
And you look great with or without. :)
Elaine-more on that soon!
Carissa-thank you for stopping by! And the compliment! I love your blog.
Mindee-I wish I could say it was a foolproof method. Recently I actually went to bed with my contacts in my eyes. I opened them in the morning and could see. I felt like I must have died and gone to heaven and had perfect eyesight again. I can't remember the last time I could see first thing. Getting them out was I really don't recommend doing that!
I JUST KNEW IT!!! As I was reading your the parable of your glasses situation, I automatically rememberd the picture with your perm and glasses! Let's just call if the "pre-puberty" stage in your life where your body isn't sure whether it's going to blossom or not!! LOL!! Would you beleive that I still have this picture of you?!! And...really, I'm at work and I actually laughed out loud at the Buddy Holly comparison...I don't think so sweetie!! Love you and thanks again for making me laugh!
Hey, do you know what your prescription is? I've always thought that my prescription would be too strong for the rimless glasses, but maybe there is hope for me too!
I was thinking of this post a few weeks ago when I saw a picture of myself without glasses and realized that I looked more tired without them! I guess the strength of my prescription is good for something....hiding the circles and bags under my eyes. :-)
One word, Christina:
Uh-mazing ;)