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Master and Commander: The Far Side of the House

I am supposed to go to Seattle in less than two days.


And by I, I mean me and myself, and only Christina, and no one else.


This is strange.

And scary.

And exciting.

And a whole lot of other words, too.

Now, Eliana has had a fever since Saturday around midnight (Sunday around midnight?).  It was very high this morning, but came down with some Tylenol.  The nurse at our doctor's office still wanted her to come in because of the high temp plus a cough, but she was pronounced to be all clear.  I am grateful for that and hope that it doesn't turn into anything worse in the next day or so, but I have gotten way behind on so many things that I wanted to do before I left.  Just when I got motivated!

Of course, these are all things that I could have been taking care of all along, but haven't.  My list has gotten a mile long and includes the normal things like packing, getting the stitching ready for Friday, cleaning the bathrooms and putting away all of the laundry that I have managed to wash, as well as special things like make a myriad of dishes from some American Girl cookbooks that Michaela has.  She took the major back burner today because Eliana was so needy.  I really want to do the things that she would like for me to do tomorrow. 

And Christian.  What an interesting guy.  He has been a bit snippy and grumpy with me today.  Tonight it seemed as though he were looking desperately first for trouble and then for something to cry about.  I finally asked him if he was upset that I was leaving and he, amidst tears that were something like water breaking through a dam, cried out,"Yes!  But not that you're leaving, but..." and he couldn't quite articulate whatever powerful feelings he was having, and then he lay down and wiped his eyes and got quiet.  He went to sleep in a few minutes, while I sat with him quietly.  Maybe he just needed to be able to say he was going to miss me, without actually saying it. 

The dishwasher is running and the counter is wiped off BUT the floors need to be swept, and I really do need to clean at least two of our bathrooms.  The laundry HAS to be put would not believe my laundry situation unless you saw a picture of the piles of clean clothes that I have loitering around my house.  They are getting a bit surly and I have heard from some very reliable undercover sources that there has been talk of mutiny.  Before things get really out of control, I need to counter this rebellion with a hard hand. 

All of a sudden it got quiet...that means that the dishwasher is just about finished and the laundry needs to be switched.  Before I add mass to the angry mob, I must subdue and dispatch.  Off I go. 



Reader Comments (10)

How exciting! Are you going to tell us why you are headed to the beautiful Pacific Northwest? Or was that already mentioned and I missed it?

April 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLori

I forgot to tell!! How silly of me. I am meeting up with some girlfriends from our time at seminary...just the moms. :) We try to do that once a year. I will definitely be sharing more about it!

April 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

Oooh! I am not too far from Seattle . . . well 5ish hours. So kinda far. Go to Pike Street!!!!

April 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterThe Lumberjack's Wife

hope you managed to tackle that laundry! have a fun trip. i can imagine it must be so weird going by yourself when your used to 3 littles in your shadow. be safe!

Thanks, coffee table is totally cleared off of laundry (you couldn't see it AT ALL), and my chair in the living room as well as the end of the sofa! It's a miracle.

April 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

You get to go on a girls' trip? SO FUN! I hope you have a great time.

And isn't Christian such a BOY? They are funny creatures.

April 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMindee@ourfrontdoor

Oh, I'm so happy for you. I didn't realize you were going. I wish I could have gone but with moving and everything it just didn't work out this year. Hopefully I will get to see you next year. Or maybe before who knows.

April 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKristina Zirschky

Seattle sounds awesome, I've never been but have heard great things about Pike Place Market!

April 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMegan (Best of Fates)

Kristina, yes you will be missed! Keep posting about your move though, please!

Megan, I am planning on documenting the could I not?! I think we might just be hanging out, being us, for the most part. I also believe brownies are going to be involved. :)

April 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

Have fun! I'm jealous of your alone/mommy time!

April 20, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteramy

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