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These are some of the women in my life that will always be there for me, no matter where they are.

We have gotten together (there are other women, but not everyone can make it every year) each year since our husbands left seminary.  For me, it seems like the visits get better and better.  We laughed harder (I believe the word riotous might apply here) than I remember laughing ever before.  Our time together was richer to me than ever before.  It might be because of the year that I've had, or because I had to miss last time...this get-together was that much sweeter.  When you have friends that know you, pretty much inside and out, and they love you anyway?  What a wonderful blessing. 

These ladies are hilarious.  And smart.  And genuine.  And beautiful.  The real deal in every way.  And I have the privelege of being called their friend.  It is a beautiful thing, indeed.

Reader Comments (7)

Hello, dahling! I am so very glad you have returned, as I have missed you so. I am glad you had fun. I love laughing so hard my sides hurt. That only seems to happen with good friends, doesn't it?

April 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterThe Lumberjack's Wife

Isn't laughing the best?!? It's the most therapeutic thing in the world!!

Did you go to Leavenworth? That snapshot looks like Leavenworth to me- or maybe one of the islands? Just wondering.... :)

SOOOO glad you got to go and that you had such a wonderful time!

April 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLori

Yay! You got to go. I'm so glad. Laughter is lovely.

April 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMindee@ourfrontdoor

Lori-We did go to Leavenworth. There is more coming on all of our adventures. :)

April 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

True love is one that knows how ugly you can be, and still wants to give you a hug! I have two such friends who have seen my REAL ugly side and hugged me through it! I thank God for them!

So glad you were able to have a fun time with friends! Hope you have a great week!

April 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJaime Kubik

and I think the same of you! Little baby tear falling out of my eye from what you wrote! So, I'm sitting on the couch with Scott last night and spontaneously burst out laughing when I remembered us laughing about the farmville joke. He asked me what I was laughing about and I said, "I can't remember ... I'm just laughing because I remember us laughing but I can't remember what it was we were laughing about." loved it! and love that picture - wish you were in it!

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca

I echo Rebecca's post. You are all those things, Christina. You're a wonderful friend, who brings joy, laughter, intelligence, and most importantly, friendship to my life. Thank you for making the long trip out here. I am so grateful!

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie Lee

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