Easter Outtakes

A normal person would follow up an Easter post with something nice like family pictures from the morning or photos of the gorgeous flowers in the sanctuary.
Here is a little known fact: I am not a normal person. I am a blogger.
That makes me much more interesting. My family, too. You not only get to see on a regular basis how much we (DO NOT) have it all together, but you also get to see what a typical photo session looks like around here. My guess is, though, that maybe just a few of you can relate.
Ah, here we have the quick dash to get in front of the camera (our neighbor was sweet to come over and take pictures for us)...and please let's not forget the last minute boogie hunt.
In the following picture, Christian looks very cute trying to pick up his little sister. What is not so cute is that I appear to be spontaneously lactating. I do not, I repeat, I do not have LBS (Leaky Boob Syndrome)!
It wouldn't be a proper photo session without the traditional escape artist!
To thwart any other plans she may have had to escape we engaged "Operation Immobilization".
And finally! We actually made a photo that we could be proud to show off. Maybe we are a normal family after all.
A girl can dream, right?

Reader Comments (7)
Love it! Aren't family photos fun?!
What a pretty dress! You look so springy and you match the girls...I love it! Catherine and I actually had matching dress/skirt for Easter too. In a few years they'll be horrified. If Aunt Wendy had been around that hairbow would have been in Eliana's hair. :)
What a sweet family! Love the outtakes.
Cute family shot!
I think my ratio of unusable vs decent family pictures is 6:1.
You're totally normal.
Also, I'm jealous that it was sleeveless dress weather for you on Easter.
Gorgeous family and I just love the dresses. I bet it was hard to find three in that color!
Loved the post -- I feel the pain of getting everyone in the picture. Too many of my pics have at least one (if not both) boys running toward the camera! At least you had a little help from the neighbors! I too loved the dresses! Ahhh, it is spring! We are having some crazy weather here in Nebraska....seems like the mornings get us all pumped up and sunny and then the afternoons are cold and cloudy. Such is life in the midwest...never know what you're going to get for weather!
Beautiful family -- thank you for sharing in the pictures.
Thank you also for your last blog post....I'll have to relay to my mother-in-law that even grown-ups sometimes call 911 by accident! Too funny! I also appreciated your encouraging words about the weightloss. I weighed this morning and I have not gained, but I have not lost either. Honestly, I'll take it! At least I haven't undone anything I've worked so hard for! I am still in my "skinny" jeans, but I have a pair of jeans that are "skinnier" that I'd really like to be in by May 29th. Got to keep giving it to God! Hope you have a wonderful day! God bless you!
we have about a hundred photos like that. the escapes.... ughhh. i didn't know presbyterians wear the "collar". been awhile since i've been i guess...
happy easter!