
I have a secret.
Stay seated! It has nothing to do with my uterus.
By the way, that is one crazy word. Just look at it. It doesn't even look right, but I double checked. Who came up with that word? I will have to look into that one day, but not now.
Right now, I am busy. Busy with a secret. And with the 17 sneaky loads of laundry that were hiding all over the house and have now converged in the back of my kitchen (where I am fortunate enough to have my laundry paraphernalia!) wreaking all kinds of thorough havoc in an otherwise very peaceful and orderly environment.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was a good one, wasn't it? (The peaceful and orderly part, I mean)
Are you the kind of person who can't stand not knowing a secret when you know there is a secret? Well, if you are then here is a hint...
I have been stitching...I am, in fact, a stitching fool.
Well, the stitching has nothing to do with my foolishness...but I have been stitching up a proverbial storm the last few days. Hence, the disaster in my house? Can I blame it on that?
Ah, that would be nice, but...I have to be honest. The disaster has been around longer than the mad stitching.
I thank you all for your kindness regarding my last post and the sense of solidarity that I always find here. I must get back to my cornucopia, though, having now given my finger a small break from pushing the needle through the fabric over and over for a couple of hours.
Oh, and you can guess my secret, but I can't tell for a little while...

Reader Comments (6)
I know.
You are moving to Brazil.
:) The horn of plenty gave it away...didn't it?
You're learning to cope with corn? you remember the Waldrop thing from college on the diagram of the femal reproductive system? Remember..."What's a waldrop?"
Is your secret that you are going to start raising turkeys?
You're running for president in 2010??
I used to stitch in HS and it was such an addictive thing for me!! I haven't done it in years though....maybe I need to start up again!
Interesting! I'm in suspense!