I Like It!

I have made some purchases lately that I have been very happy with.
Would you rather read,"I have made some purchases lately with which I have been very happy"?
I'm a nerd. Are you?
I want to tell you about these things, since I feel that it is my responsibility as a blogger to inform others when I come upon something wonderful. Useful. Practical and delightful.
These are in no particular order...only however I came across them while I was taking the camera around the house.
I have wanted a set of measuring cups with handles that are not attached but all one piece for a long time. I mean that the handle is not glued or screwed on, but it is made from the same metal as the cup part. (A measuring cup with a separate handle would be strange, indeed.)
I know that plastic measuring cups are made this way, but I was trying to avoid the plastic ones. My metal measuring cup set has lost at least one handle, and I saw these seamless cups somewhere along the way and fell for them. I found mine at Target, but I know you can get something like it on Amazon as well. Mine are pretty heavyweight, which I like, and they are shiny. I like that, too!
Next is my new SwifferVac. While my Dyson is nothing short of the bomb, I don't like to suck up crumbs in the dining room and kitchen with it. (I'm weird. You already knew that? Okay.) I have a friend who has one of the lovely Swiffer machines and would marry it if she could. Well, I finally bought one, and we might have to fight over who would walk down the aisle with this marvel.
You attach a Swiffer dusting cloth (although I am going to try to use something reusable soon, so that we are not generating so much trash) to the bottom, just like a regular Swiffer duster, but then, THEN you also turn the vacuum on and it sucks up the big stuff while picking up the smaller stuff like dust or hair with the cloth. I love it! I can sweep and do the dustpan thing all at once. My kids can use it, and they are excited about it...hello! It's loud and sucks things up. What's not to love? This has been great around here. I highly recommend it.
Um, this is a no-brainer...
M&M's + dark chocolate = empty bag. They're yummy.
I don't always go through the dollar section at Target, because I totally waste money on stuff there, and Michaela always wants one of everything (which would leave me spending $330 and I haven't even made it into the store proper). Every now and then I will try to move through it quickly, though, and recently I found a couple of fun things. First, this little bin.
Michaela's affinity for orange is contagious. It is quite a cheerful color! This bin was $2, and it could be used for a million different things. Right now I have bars in it. We are a bar-eating family, if nothing else. You could put dish towels in it, or bread, or belts, or sports gear. It is so cute and very handy. I really like this little bin!
And finally, there was this cutie. It was also $2 in the Target dollar section, but the colors were irresistable.
You had me at stripes! I don't know when exactly we'll use it, but a small cooler seems like a practical thing to have around.
Is there anything that you are so happy that you bought this spring? Share your wealth of knowledge and funness!

Reader Comments (10)
I, too, am a nerd.
And I'm jealous of your Dyson.
Want one. Gonna get one.
Some day.
we are dyson twins!!! i'm obsessed with mine. especially since we got it for 75% off (hubby used to work at best buy). i have a swiffer wet jet for mopping that i love - so, we are almost twins once again! the bin is super cute! i have to say that there is something better than dark chocolate m & m's... peanut butter ones! i've eaten gobs lately. mmm!
I am completely obsessed w/the $1 section at Target, though I end up spending a fortune there! And I found your beginning hilarious, as I actually often spend tons of time debating whether to end sentences with prepositions - and because it sounds awkward the other way, I often do, then I'll spend days thinking everyone who reads my blog thinks I'm an idiot.
Is that normal?
(Don't answer that.)
Thanks so much for the review of the swiffer duster thing. We closed on our house this past week and so we were staying there "camping out" The main floor is all hardwood and I was sweeping with a broom and not making a lot of progress because it just kept moving all around. I was wondering about this swiffer and now will definitely need to buy it when we get back there in June. Thanks!
The older I become, the more I am bothered by poor grammar.
The older I get, the more poor grammar bothers me.
I just don't know.
What I do know is that I am very, very sorry that I do not have some of those M&M's.
I am so sad that I can't tell you about all of the cute things I've bought lately, because I haven't been shopping!! I haven't been to Target for weeks...it's a tradedy. I may actually go today, though, so I'll look for something cute (and cheap), and hopefully I can tell you all about it later.
Kids vaccuming...I'm gonna get one of those!!
I'm actually in a threesome with my swiffer vac and my swiffer wetjet. John's come to terms with it.
I will take the M and Ms and the Swiffer-lee-doo.
Thank you!
I got a SwifferVac for Mother's Day because I wanted one ever since I used it at my sister's house to vaccum up her dog hair. Even though I don't have the dog, I knew I would love it and I do!
I would not have been able to resist those stripes either. A good color combination of stripes, or polka dots of pretty much any color will get me every time.