A Little Game

A sweet bloggy friend of mine tagged me in a game. Jaime is a witty mommy who used to be a teacher, and she writes most things on her blog in rhymes. It's cute! I have enjoyed very much getting to know her through her blog, through comments, and even in some email conversations back and forth. She has been very encouraging to me, and always has a kind word and an enthusiastic response. Who wouldn't love that?!
So, the game goes like this: I am now supposed to answer five questions with five answers each. Let's see if I am smart enough to accomplish this feat. (She answered all of her questions in rhyming couplets...clever and funny!)
Where were you five years ago?
1. This is already hurting my brain...five years ago we lived in Louisville, Kentucky. We had just moved there from New Jersey.
Part of our living room
2. Five years ago, I was visiting a valley after our move, since we had just left some very good friends in seminary.
3. I was in the kitchen a lot, and on the playground with my two-year-old and my four-year-old just as much.
The kitchen
4. I went to the pool without shaving, since it was in our backyard.
5. I was getting involved in a new church and trying to make new friends.
Where would you like to be five years from now?
1. I would like to be in any place that does not have roaches. Or mice. Or rats. Or roaches. I don't mind if that place is in Dallas...but I'm afraid that there is nowhere to go to avoid the roaches. Have I mentioned before how much I don't like roaches? (Why, yes, there are three separate posts for your reading enjoyment about these heinous creatures.)
2. I would like to be a little more mature in my faith. (It might be that the Lord will keep me quite near the roaches so that this happens. I am not looking forward to that in some ways.)
3. I would like to be exercising and eating more vegetables. (Preferably starting before five years from now.)
4. I would like to be out from under my aggressive laundry pile. It is sitting on me and stealing my lunch money.
5. I would like to be a sweeter mom. (Again, hopefully this will happen before five years from now.)
What is on your to-do list today?
1. Only five things? Well...that's nice! First, there is laundry: to wash, to dry, to fold, to put away, to pick up from the four corners of the earth (or my house), to ignore. I'm really good at the last part there. Like, an expert.
2. Organize our house. Ha! That is on my to-do list for the decade.
3. Go to the store...I did this earlier, and then Eliana asked for popcorn this afternoon and I realized I forgot that.
4. Wash my hair. It. Is. Time.
5. Do the dishes, sweep the floors, back to the laundry, clean a toilet, stitching for Christian's class, clean the car out, and take a nap. Beginning with the end. Priorities, people!
What five snacks do you enjoy?
1. Chocolate cake
2. Chocolate bars
3. Chocolate cereal
4. Chocolate cookies
5. Pepsi (a really cold one)
(Well-rounded, no? The bars are often fortified.)
What would you do if you were a billionaire?
1. I would tithe, right away, assuming that it came in a lump sum. That would be weird, wouldn't it? "Hey, Christina...here is a cool billion for you! Watch your back...that briefcase is heavy!" I'm also assuming it would come in a briefcase.
2. If I had money like that, I would have to give it to organizations who would use it wisely and who knew what they were doing. I can't think of a better thing to do with it. People who helped the hungry, or those who needed clothes, or shelter. I would want to give it to organizations who work on stopping child trafficking, and the sex trade, especially.
3. I would probably use some of the money to help with my children's education.
4. I would like to give some of it to help with other children's education too, to a scholarship fund.
5. I would eat a little chocolate. (I usually have some on hand. See above.)
Well...there you have it. Looking at most of those answers I would have to conclude that I am a strange person.
Part of the game is that I get to tag a few other people to play the game. Any guesses as to how many?
That's right...five!
Here is the thing. I am terrible about asking other people to do things. Terrible! I feel all anxious and my heart starts pounding and my throat feels like it's closing up. Does anyone care if I skip that part? Tell me if you think I should get over it. And maybe I will.

Reader Comments (5)
Get over it and tag 5 people! Just think of it as advertising for their blogs (because you could mention them). And advertising for your blog because they might mention you on their blog. I did go read Jaime's blog because of the comment she left for you about the game. See advertising works!
I get the impression you like chocolate.
Cute answers!
1) I hate tagging people too. It sets me up for rejection and makes me feel queasy.
2) Michaela looks like she has a tail in that kitchen picture.
3) Do you do the laundry thing where you wash a load and then have to re-wash it because you left it in there and the clothes smell weird? Me either.
4) If I had roaches I would have already moved. I think you are very brave and tenacious.
5) The older I get, the more chocolate I need. Thank heavens there are some quite delicious sugar-free offerings.
I LOVED the comment about roaches leading you closer to God!! He will use anything, won't he?! Thank you for being a good sport and doing this! After reading this though I realized I forgot to give Lisa - the gal who tagged me - credit!! YIKES! I must go back and change that!
Absolutely loved this post. You are a witty witty gal and as always it shone through here!
Loved reading all about you! I get nervous with tagging and such too. I am already feeling sickly about asking people to vote for me in this silly contest!
Chocolate is da bomb.