Summer Fun-My Favorites Part IV

My parents sacrificed the chance to sleep in one more time while we were visiting D.C. in order to drive to the city and stay the day. We had talked about going together for the several days we went, but for several different reasons this new plan worked out the best. They arrived, took a tour of our suite, and then we made an agenda for the day. Again, we left around lunchtime. Have I mentioned that I don't recommend doing that?
Mike and Eliana headed for the subway while the rest of us piled in Mom and Dad's car in order to find a parking space near the Smithsonian. That was our first stop of the day.
In true Walker fashion (or maybe I should say Webb Walker fashion) I realized once we had parked the car and were making our way to the museum that I had left the stroller in the trunk. We weren't too far along, so I sent the others ahead, and ran on back to get the stroller. Dad and Christian waited for me outside of the Smithsonian. Christian was sitting on the top step, but he saw me from across the street and waved to let me know where they were.
We met up with Mike and Eliana and headed for the dinosaurs. It was tricky to get a good picture of the big skeletons because of the crowd.
Mom said this should make me grateful for the tiny roaches we have here. I didn't think that was very funny. All right. It was a little funny. But I'm still not grateful for any roaches. Of any kind. Bugs from the devil.
The Smithsonian was full of all kinds of wonderful things to see.
It kind of made me giggle to see some of these creatures' bones that were like the animals in the Ice Age movies. They seem so wacky, but here are the bones to show that some very imaginative person didn't just make them up!
It's crazy how big these things were!
The mammoth skeletons were my favorite. What does that say about me? Hmmm...
Now, we thought the mammoth was huge, but what was really impressive was the size of the cookies in the cafeteria. They were ginormous.
When we finally left the Museum of Natural History we headed for both the carousel on the Mall and the Air and Space Museum. We crossed in front of the Capitol once again.
But really, how can that compare to a merry-go-round?!
They all had a great time...
Mom and Dad were happy to watch from the sidelines...much better for my mom to spectate than to ride. She would then have to throw up, and I just don't think I could have handled pukers two days in a row.
Our final stop was the Air and Space Museum, which we flew through (pun totally intended). It was getting late and we were going to have to get on the road soon, but we saw some very cool planes and other flying machines, and the kids got to go on a simulated ride.
It was a crazy trip. What else would anyone expect from us?

Reader Comments (4)
The Air and Space museum is one of my life-long favorites (my grandparents live in the D.C. area). So glad you got to go!
I agree. Bugs are from the devil. We were traveling over the weekend and just as we were packing up to leave, I saw a roach on the hotel bed. Not cool.
What an exciting place to visit! I am jealous of your adventures! :)
I'm so glad other people think of Ice Age when going through Natural History - I'm always like "look a sloth! they're real!!" Except sloths are still around, so maybe that's a bad example.