As Good as Drugs

My mom asked me recently why I hadn't been posting very much. I told her,"I don't have anything to say."
This is mostly true. I want to write things that people can relate to, that incite riotous laughter (okay, maybe that's a bit ambitious, would be great!), that record the moments of our lives that I want to remember and that I want our kids to remember.
I've had some bad days. I don't care to revisit them.
But! I have started exercising, and I am going to a counselor. I am walking with Mike (and sometimes I run jog bounce!) as well as with a couple of women I know from church. It's still 90 degrees here and so even when I don't work very hard I get super sweaty and I looked like I worked very hard. Sweating burns calories, right?
I am having some problems with the formatting here. Did anyone notice? I'm leaving it. It is making me laugh. This is a good thing, as at any given time it could be making me want to throw the computer through the window behind me. Sometimes when I get angry I want to hear a big crash. That I made.
Or eat a brownie that I made.
But! That would defeat the purpose of all of the exercising that I am doing.
I will say, that even if the exercise has not made my body shape change (AT ALL! WHY NOT? I DO NOT LIKE THAT PART!) it does get me out of the house so that I am not staring at all of the Flat Surfaces that are covered with odds and ends (a.k.a. crap).
I like looking at the blue, blue Texas sky, and the yards in our neighborhood right now are gorgeous.
The dog poop that people leave around, I could do without...but that's another post for another time.
Also, there has been a gnat population explosion here. I walk tilted to the right (or the left, depending which way I'm going) up our sidewalk to avoid the very long, very large swarm of gnats that hovers and zips around, but ONLY ON THE ONE SIDE of the sidewalk. Weird. My guess is that the guys who are working on the yards around our house are thinking,"It's a little early to be drinking..." as I scoot down our walkway all tippy like that.
Now, Mom, aren't you so glad that I wrote something tonight?

Reader Comments (10)
Love it! I don't know if your mom will be glad you wrote something, but I sure am.
Dude, exercise ROCKS! I used to HATE it. Now I love it. Go figure. And you might not notice a change right away...but YOU WILL. It will just creep up on you. Like Sunday, I had a funeral to go to and I went to put on one of the few "dressy" shirts I have...and it was HUGE on me! WOOHOO! And when I got to the funeral (wearing something else), I had like eight people tell me I looked like I lost a bunch of weight. And that evening I realized I could completely pull my jeans off of me without undoing them. And then I realized my over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder was too big. Oh it was a GREAT day....(but my weight hadn't gone down all that much over the past two weeks so I was bummin' about that). Just goes to say that two months of exercise has FINALLY made an appearance on my body.
But let me warn you...intense bouts of exercise in the evenings, the kind that induces that so-called "runner's high"....uhm, well, it's not so fun. Because it kept me up like all night last night and here I sit at 7 am super giddy and TIRED but I can't sleep, not even if I wanted to. Which prolly explains why I'm typing like 60 miles a minute and you're reading all this blabbering wondering just what I'm ON! HAH. Phew. Okay then. Keep up the good will definitely feel the effects (happiness, endorphin induced happiness) and your body will show the results in due time. Yay. So proud of you. WOOHOOO. Go CHRISTINA! ROCK IT GIRL! ;o) (no, I didn't drink any coffee this morning...)
Christina! I am very excited about the exercise and the counselor! Those are wonderful, positive, take charge things to do. :)
Mindee-thank you. It's hard to take charge of anything when you feel so out of control...hopefully things will take a turn for the better. :)
After basically taking the summer off, I'm back on the exercise wagon too. I figure I better start now, because I pretty much plan to eat my way from here to Easter.
I take blogging breaks too. Sometimes I just don't have anything to say. I'd rather say nothing than force something. I'm ok with taking a couple days off here and there.
WOw. Dude. exercise and counselor. that is awesome. I am so proud of you. I have also been exercising...this is my 15th day in a row! I did take one day of pause but that was recommended so I am counting it. And I love, love, LOVE the small poem you wrote about the cockroach. You are sooooo funny. And your facebook posts are the best ever. You are such an amazing writer when you aren't even trying...LOVE YOU!!!
You're on facebook??? Let's be friends!
I thought you were doing that formatting on purpose and it was an artistic choice. I thought it was cool!
Yay for exercise! I'm starting too. I have 35 pounds to lose.
i actually like a change in font. somehow it made the post much more alive! Praise God for this renewal and burst of motivation! ... SOrrY i haven't called yet... I do think of you though and pray for the renewing of your mind that can change SO much IN HIM!!!
Isa. 26:3 - "the steadfast of mind Thou wilt keep in perfect peace"
Jere. 17:10 - "I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind"
Jere. 20:12 - "The Lord who seest the mind and the heart"
Matt. 22:37 - "Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength" *
Rom. 14:5 - "let each man be fully convinced in his own mind" *
I Cor. 2:16 - "we have the mind of Christ"
Phil. 2:5 - "have this mind in you which was also in Christ Jesus" *
Phil. 4:8 - "whatever is true, right, pure...let your mind dwell on these..." *
Col. 3:2 - "set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth" *
Rom. 12:2 - "be transformed by the renewing of your mind" *
II Cor. 4:16 - "our inner man is being renewed day by day" *
Eph. 4:23 - "be renewed in the spirit of your mind" *
Col. 3:10 - "the new man is being renewed to a true knowledge..." *
Titus 3:5 - "renewing by the Holy Spirit"
I Pet. 1:13 - "gird your minds for action" *
Rev. 2:23 - "I am He who searches the minds and hearts"