Mixing Metaphors, Babies Running Marathons

Don't you love watching babies and toddlers? They love to learn. They soak up everything! They watch and study and listen and are fascinated and mesmerized by anything new and everything around them. And they're always smiling. They are full of joy.
I feel a little bit like that right now. Being grown-up (I guess I am, technically) comes with a self-awareness that makes it harder sometimes to maintain that sense of delight that someone in the infant or toddler stage possesses so naturally...but I'm trying.
I'm trying hard. I'm fighting for it! I'm fighting for joy!
It sounds a little like a contradictory statement, or paradoxical. But I don't think it is, in the end. It's like running a race. You set a goal. You train. You push yourself. And all the while, you are getting closer to your destination, your end. And when you run, it hurts, and then it feels good. You are happy. And you know you are going to make it. But in order to make it, in order to achieve that goal you set, you have to work, you have to fight your body and even your mind so that you might become stronger. Maybe even faster.
I'm gonna get that runner's high. And I'm gonna cross that finish line.

Reader Comments (3)
I am having that same struggle right now - especially about my job. There are so many good things about my job but I'm SO zeroed in on the negative that it's a real struggle to drag myself there in the mornings. I'm afraid I've turned into a real whiner too. :( So I'm trying HARD to notice the positive and comment on it to adjust my attitude. It's not coming naturally I'm afraid.
But today is your birthday! I hope you have joy today of all days!
have you read piper's "when i don't desire God... How to fight for joy?" i wish i could just forward you the best parts but it's excellent. will call soon!
i remember this!!!!