Time Keeps on Slippin', Slippin', Slippin'...

There is so much I want to write about!
Christian's birthday is today. He is eight! What?! Yes...eight! That sounds weird.
There are pictures of the old house.
The gas...it's killing us! We are going to have to get some things about our schedule really straightened out! I think I've filled our tank up three times in the last two weeks, and it's already down to around 1/4 tank. Oh dear.
Why am I so silly and miss a house that I said I hated when I lived there?! What is wrong with me?!
We have a LOT of small rugs. They were all bought to go in other houses...it is hard to make things that you bought for other spaces to fit into new spaces. I can say the same thing about shower caddies. Who knew that shower caddies were so...fickle?
I have to make Christian a birthday cake before he gets home (not gonna happen, but I'll try) even though he already had cupcakes with his class and then ice cream after school. Mike said,"It's just one day of the year. It doesn't matter if he already had a cupcake and ice cream." I like the way he thinks. (I'm more likely to say something like,"It's just every other day...")
And now...off to make a cake. I'm not complaining about that! I'll be back with real posts soon.
I think.
Edited to add: Ha! I got the cake in the oven before Mike got home with Christian...does that count?

Reader Comments (3)
(Please note that I'm writing this at 7:30 in the morning...on a Saturday. Something is wrong with this picture. I am being forced into adulthood by the dang YMCA...1st b-ball practice is at 8AM.)
Please tell Christian that we were thinking about him yesterday and intended to call, but the above mentioned baskeball team decided to get pizza after practice and it got late. So, happy #8 to Christian!!
I have to make a birthday cake this weekend too! Did you hear that gas is supposed to be up to 3.75 a gallon by June??? I need to just quit driving. ;)
In the oven totally counts!