Letting Go

Michaela flew to New York City today...without us. Mike's mom, Diana, took her and her cousin and met up with her husband's granddaughter, her mom, and an aunt for a few days of fun in the Big Apple. Today they managed to squeeze in lunch at Alice's Tea Cup, a trip to the American Girl store, a pit-stop at the hotel, an evening at the Big Apple Circus, and dinner after that.
Do you think they will conk out tonight?! They had to get up pretty early, so I hope they sleep well once they crawl under the covers.
Last night I was really nervous. Up until around 9:00pm I hadn't thought much about Michaela flying without me or being in another city without me. I know she is in good hands, and I'm not worried at all about the fact that she is with her grandma. But all of a sudden, after I tucked her in, and took her packed bags to the kitchen door where they would be easy to take to the car in the morning, at that point I had the thought,"What if something happens?!" I blinked back tears and then demanded that that thought get right out of my head. I prayed to God not only that he would watch over her (and everyone on the trip) but that he would protect me from myself and my imagination.
Wendy, Mike's sister, and I bought the girls cell phones so that if they get separated momentarily from Diana they can call her. Or in a serious emergency, they can call 911. Both of them have called us to report today on things: great flight, lunch in a tea room, wonderful hotel, headed to the circus, late-night dinner. How could they be doing anything but having fun?!
Each time I talked to Michaela she said,"I've taken a lot of pictures!" I can't wait to see them. I hope she's writing in her journal about her experiences. I know she is having a blast.
I hope she remembers to use her Purell.
haha Don't you think I'm funny?
I am being serious, though.

Reader Comments (4)
I bet she's having a fantastic time - don't worry! Though I know exactly how you feel, as I have thoughts like those about my family and friends constantly. Which might say something about me...
So tough to let go, eh?
Hang in there. I think God uses these times of growing up our children
to grow us up, too. I'm constantly reminded that my kiddos are not for me.
Their lives are to bless others.
Eh. Part of the fun of traveling is bringing home souvenirs. Even if it's just a virus from another city.
I hope she has a great time. :)
"protect me from myself and my imagination" - great quote! I've asked Him to "save me from myself", so I can definitely relate.