Peace and Quiet

Some days are so hard. There are dishes piled up. There is laundry piled up. There are unpacked boxes. There are dirty bathrooms. There is coughing. There is snot. There is fighting. There are slamming doors. There are tears. There is more snot.
But, it seems like there is a reprieve just when you think someone is headed out the window (most likely yourself, just for the silence on the way down). Around here the respite almost always comes from a very particular substance, in various forms.
Today, beautiful chocolate made its appearance in the way of ganache.
It is the best frosting for cakes. You can use it to make chocolate milk. You can eat it straight off of a spoon (and I recommend that you do).
Or you can dip your animal crackers in it.
This peaceful and happy moment brought to you by whipping cream and Ghirardelli. A truly winning combination.

Reader Comments (2)
It would work on me!
My hubby and I wait until the kids go to bed and dip our townhouse crackers in the ganache that has been made. Yumm!!