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Earlier this year I got serious about getting healthier. I cold-turkey stopped drinking soda, I started eating better, every meal, every day, and I dropped my dessert intake by 85%.

(I made up that percentage. But it sounds good.)

I began the Jillian Michaels DVD, The 30-Day Shred. About ten days into that, I started walking each day. Not too long after I began walking, I decided I would add a little bounce to my walk, and managed to do something in between fast-paced walking and jogging. I kept this up until we went on vacation, and even then I tried to do something for a few weeks into my trip. 

And then...I just kind of stopped. 

I really wish I hadn't! 

I can tell such a huge difference, in my strength and endurance, and in my mood. I'm sluggish. I'm not motivated to do much. And I crave sweet things all the time. (Two extra-huge bags of mini-Snickers does not help a bit.)

Not. Good.

At the end of the summer, I kept thinking I was going to start it all back up, and in the beginning of October I said to myself,"I have about 30 days to do the Shred and then start another of her 30-day videos and be done with it well before Christmas!" You see, Wendy and I (Wendy is Mike's sister and one of my best friends) (I wish we lived closer) have had some conversations about how we need to get in shape before the end of the year. Really, it's more like we need to get in shape by summer two years ago, however, it's a little late for that. But now, here it is headed toward mid-November and I have yet to do two consecutive days of the 30 Day Shred. 

I keep wondering what it was that drove me at the end of April, to commit so whole-heartedly to the project of getting fit. I don't know the answer, either. 

I have several friends on Facebook who have completed races, or are planning on completing a race by the end of February, and I can't help but have this tingly excited feeling when I read about their successes. A crazy thought pops into my head every time: I can do that! And I want to do that! (I guess that makes two crazy thoughts.)

Not too long ago (a week or so), an old friend whom I haven't seen in many, many years, shared a post-race picture of herself with her husband, and I commented on it. I said it was inspiring, and then I realized that as I typed those very words, I was finishing off a small bag of fast-food fries. I wrote that too, because I'm nothing if I'm not funny on Facebook. My exact comment was,"Awesome! And inspiring!! (she said as she finished her fries...seriously, I would love to hear more about it)."

A few days later, I received a message from this friend saying that I had been on her heart after my comment, and that for her, the running had been a God thing, and that she has learned a lot from being an "individual" runner. She gave me her number and asked me to call. I wrote that I would try to call, but since I have the girls all day, it's hard to find a time to have a focused phone conversation. 

Tonight I realized that all three kids have choir tomorrow, which means that I am going to have one hour of time all by myself. This is such a blessing! I really want to hear what my friend has to say. 

Here is the thing. I have been waffling for so long again. But there is always this little voice that says to me,"Get moving! Do something! You can!" Then I received the message from my friend. And today I saw that another friend and her husband ran in Richmond, Va. (an 8k and a half-marathon, respectively). And I know two ladies who are running Disney races in the beginning of next year. I just keep thinking this is something that I need to do. I got to the point in the spring that I didn't feel right if I didn't go out for a quick spin through our neighborhood. And it felt so good to make it back to my "walking point" each time. I would reach my final stretch and think,"Just get to that alley. Just get to that stop sign. Just get up this last little hill..." and then I would turn the corner and be done with my jog! It was awesome. 

I'm going to get back there. I won't take no for an answer. 

Reader Comments (3)

The Halloween Kit Kats are almost gone. Maybe then we can enter into some sort of pact to work together (unfortunately long distance) to get ourselves in shape. I have a long way to go. I got my butt kicked trying to play soccer with a six year old. I was winded in minutes (seconds) and he just laughed and laughed and ran right around me. We have 6 weeks until Christmas...that's enough time to make a little difference, isn't it?

November 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterWendy

Yes! But I still have an entire bag of mini-Snickers to go...
Also? I'm ready for menopause.

November 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

Oh, my, goodness. That hole first part could have been my story. This spring, I as super-motivated and inspired. May 1st I went on a diet, lost 25 pounds and exercised every single day until mid-August. Then it just petered out and now I am doing nothing. The weight has stayed off, but still. I totally need to be exercising for my mind and body.

I actually did my first 20 minutes steps, but I hope and pray it sticks.

Best wishes in your efforts to be healthy and strong.

November 12, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterthe domestic fringe

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