Lit Up
I've had some ideas for blog posts floating around in my head for days:
-a new bag that I got when we were in Williamsburg, and I LOVE
-a crazy idea that would be so cool, but is not ever going to happen, but it's BRILLIANT, but an expensive home-improvement idea, so NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. But...AWESOME
-some cookies I'm enjoying (a little too much, I should add)
-some new clothes from Old Navy that are very cute, and which I got a great deal on
In my mind, I was headed down a merry path; I even had the opening line(s?) of my post together. There was going to be a joke, a little funny (and mild) self-deprecation. All in good fun.
Then tonight I did Michaela's devotional. It was on the verses from Luke in which Jesus tells those who are gathered around to guard themselves against greed. He says,"Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions." He tells them a story of a fool who stores up his treasures so that he can eat, drink, and be merry, only to hear from God that night...his time is up. He finishes with,"This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God."
This devotion follows on the heels of the blog posts I have read these last couple of days by Ann Voskamp. She shared her own family's tradition of getting gifts for others outside of their family, others in need, each Christmas; this is their gift to Christ. She puts it this way,"And the Birthday Child tells us what He wants: Give to the least of these and you give to Me."
Sometimes God whispers. Sometimes he moves mysteriously. Sometimes he shines the floodlights on it and says,"Can it be plainer, daughter?"
As I blink, I know...
Reader Comments (2)
This is very, very beautifully written. Just thought you should know.
But also still really wanting to hear about your Old Navy deals. ;)