Fitness Friday: Fooor-Ev-Errrrrrr

As in, I will have to diet and exercise forever because the older you get the harder it is to look like you did when you were 24.
As in, it has been forever since I wrote a blog post.
As in, it was a sweet forever in between the last two times I did some form of exercise.
As in, I have been gone from home forever.
As in, it's been forever since my husband and I have seen one another face to face.
As in, I have had a sore in my nose for months and I think it will be part of my nostril forever.
Only some of those things have to do with fitness, really. The rest? Never underestimate my ability to do random. But back to fitness...
My kids have been doing plenty of activities that are working their muscles.
I am sure I could take some lessons from them.
Especially this one...
I mean, she could write a book on sitting by the pool, looking cool. A lesson I need, indeed.

Reader Comments (2)
It looks like your kids have been having a blast this summer!
The glasses on her are precious! Hope you enjoyed your family time this summer. Looking forward to seeing what you've been wanting to write as you hop on more often. :)