Warrior King

I'm bruised but I'm not beaten, I can still lift up my head
And see the heights surrounding me from which my help will come.
Entrenched, I hear the enemy advancing, swift of feet;
I search the summit, waiting for the One who will contend.
It seems that days have passed, or maybe weeks since I knew peace,
And yet there is the promise that I cling to as my life:
His rest will be rewarded, and the Sabbath truly known;
The battlefield will know no war, the lilies are to bloom.
I close my eyes and touch the ground with palms laid bare to dust.
Above the din of foes, a new reverberation rings.
I look upon the hills to see the rising of the sun;
The brilliance of redemption almost blinds me as I watch.
My enemies are trampled, my Deliverer draws near;
Salvation comes and Truth declares,"There is no need to fear!"
The blood-stained field has been made new, the way is now made clear!
The mighty Warrior will be crowned, rejoice the King is here!

Reader Comments (2)
Aaaaand this made me cry. Not that that is hard to do these days but still . . . beautiful and inspiring Christina!
I so love these poetic posts!