Call Me Bookish (Or Rather Book-ish)

An alternate title to this post could be "Bookends". As in, can I get to the end of a book? (Please read like Chandler from "Friends", heavy emphasis on the word "get".)
If I had finished reading all of the books that I have started in the last four years, my list would be quite impressive. My goal this school year (and in light of my reading accomplishment history, it is a lofty goal, indeed) is to read most of what Michaela is reading as we go through Ancient History, as well as to go back and start the books over that I have picked up and put down and failed to pick up again (as interested as I may have been in what was to come in the pages that follow my stopping point).
Here are some of the titles (the grown-up books...not the ones that Michaela will also read) (except the Bible...hopefully she will read the Bible!):
How God Became King
How to Read a Book
Good News About Injustice
Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning
The Healing Path
Reordered Love, Reordered Lives
The Bible (okay, this one should probably be first) (I didn't add a link...I figure you likely know about the Bible)
There are others. I would like to read some C.S. Lewis (as much as I want to read The Chronicles of Narnia again [and again]), I would really like to delve into some of his other writing as well.
This will be quite a project, but one I am looking forward to with great anticipation. As a girl, I was a reading fiend. I could not read enough. I miss that! I also want the kids to see me with books in my hands. Once Christian walked in on me reading a book in the middle of the day; he stopped in his tracks and said incredulously,"What are you doing?!" After hearing my response ("Reading a book!), he replied," never do that."
How sad!
I'm hoping to change that impression!
What are some good books that you have read, heavy or light reading...there are some works of fiction I'd like to get my hands on, too!
Reader Comments (1)
Okay, I have so much to respond to here. :)
1) How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler was THE book that I fell in love with my husband over. Long story... It holds a dear place in my part. I, to this day, always think about making sure I "define my terms". HA
2) I was a reading fiend too, as a young girl.
3) C.S. Lewis, "The Four Loves". So good.
and lastly,
4) Having your child say "oh you never do that" when caught reading in the middle of the day? I. Totally. Get it. :( And it made me determine last year to do the same thing you are.
Phew! :)