This One Is Too Random for a Title

My head is a bit spinny and I think I need to go to bed pretty soon. I was up very late last night, putzing, not even doing anything significant, and I lost track of time and it didn't feel as late as it was because of the time change, of course. I slept in today because SPRING BREAK, but I am still feeling weird.
I apologize for being intentionally vague, but I'm gonna be. Today I, that's not right. Actually, what I already knew was strongly confirmed: I do not have the gift of hospitality. And this makes me sad. But not sad in an I-want-to-change kind of way so much as an I-want-to-run-and-hide kind of way. The kids and Mike would like to open our home and have people over...and that is something that makes me feel anxious deep and all the way to my core. Obviously, I'm the one with major issues, and I'm going to have to figure out how to overcome them, because I can't make everyone live in a bubble with me.
Unless, can I?
No. No, I cannot. So, I'll just have to work on it. Work on letting go. I don't even know what I'll be letting go of. It's difficult to say, when your fears and anxieties are irrational.
On a lighter note, our family played Clue together tonight. Each of us started off with a game piece and a sheet of paper for our detective notes. We had taken two turns each, and then Eliana said,"I don't know what to write." Just thinking about it makes me chuckle. She's five! Of course she's going to need help with this game! She and Christian paired up at that point. However, playing Clue with Christian is a little bit like playing with Ace Ventura. Have you played Clue? I never had until the other day. But it's a logic game and it requires a measure of concentration. Concentrating on the clues is hard when Silly Voice Guy is talking about chickens and using the weapons on the board to take out the playing pieces who were minding their own business in the kitchen. Maybe it was his strategy? Distract us so that he could win? It ended up getting late (TIME CHANGE) so we put the game on hold until tomorrow. We are all in great suspense as to who did it, where, and how!
I don't know how I'll sleep tonight. (But I think I'd better try pretty soon...)
Reader Comments (1)
We played Clue recently and it took us 3 weeks to finally get back to finishing the game. About 10 minutes into it Nicholas exclaims, "I've got it!" And he accurately guesses everything. Something about his sheepish grin told me something fishy was going on. He burst out laughing and admitted that he peeked in the envelope sometime during our 3 week hiatus...he just couldn't help himself. Guard your envelope!