Moved or Moved to...

Christian was saying tonight that it seemed like the weekend went by so fast, and it felt like we were just at church yesterday.
Well. He does go to school at our church...but I think he meant worship.
And while I often think that time is zipping by so quickly that I might develop vertigo (which is no joke, people...I've been laid out on the couch for hours because of a swing), I feel like last Sunday was weeks ago.
Maybe it is because I have been wrapped up in a cocoon, almost in another world. I am having a hard time even remembering this week and what I did. I fell behind on laundry. I didn't really cook that much. One or the both of Mike and me were gone each night until Friday. I know we did a little schoolwork, but it really was just a little. I think I ran around a bit too, like that proverbial headless chicken: headed in no particular direction, making a mess wherever I happened upon. True, my mess was more along the lines of dishes and clothes than blood, but still...someone has to clean up at some point. I read whenever I could and have been so moved by the story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
I finished the Bonhoeffer book today. I must let it sit for a while, in my heart. I'll be rereading along with the group (or at least skimming in order to respond to the group questions), and sharing along the way. It was a good thing to read as we head into Holy Week, remembering Christ's passion, his suffering.
As well and good as it is to be moved by these stories, it is greater to be moved to action by them. It is here that my faith butts up against the wall of my will. However, we know that God is good at busting down walls...and tearing veils...
I think I am ready for tomorrow. I want to go to worship, and I want to worship. May you be blessed as we enter this week of remembering.

Reader Comments (2)
i feel the exact same way. it's a vicious circle, laundry, dinner, laundry dinner...spinning. i didn't feel well yesterday and didn't make to church. i hated missing palm sunday. we have so much to think about this week... to rejoice about.
This, right here: "As well and good as it is to be moved by these stories, it is greater to be moved to action by them. It is here that my faith butts up against the wall of my will. " AMEN and amen! I'm writing this into my prayer journal as a prayer for myself this coming month. I'm tired of just being moved. I want to be moved to move!! Thank you for such an inspirational post, Christina!