A Place for Things

All right. I'm revamping.
That is one strange word.
Since the blog is named Five Walkers, I think that the home page ought to have stories about the family. Some days I don't have a lot to write about what we did, because does anyone really want to know that we got a late start on school, or that it took Michaela forty-five minutes to finish her breakfast, or I forgot Christian's lunch two Wednesdays in a row? I've written extensively about my laundry. Should I really show one more picture of the mountain in the hallway? (It does move around. (I mean, I move it around. It doesn't move on it's own. That would definitely be blog-worthy.) I'm so sure that could be interesting...my clean laundry pile here. My clean laundry pile there. My clean laundry piles are everywhere. It's like laundry with Dr. Seuss.) Our days are not so very interesting a lot of the time...so I'm often at a loss regarding what to post.
Lately, however, I have been reading. I have joined an online discussion group, which has been a lot of fun, and given me a great deal to think about. Writing about what I'm reading helps me process it, and encourages me to think harder about it. (Duh to the duh.) (And speaking of brilliant writing, it doesn't get much better than that parenthetical, folks.)
I have devised a plan. (Shocking, I know. Making a Plan and I don't usually get along so well.) I will continue to share family stories on the main page of the blog ("Our Journey"), and use the "I'm Writing" section to share the other stuff. Or it will be a way to document my monumental monologues on what I'm reading, because sharing would imply that someone else might be reading it...and I'm just not sure that that's accurate. Ha!
We shall see how it goes. Thanks for walking along with me...
Reader Comments (1)
Uh, you're funny.
I'm reading! I read. I'm also totally and completely new around here, but since you left a comment on my blog, I decided to pop over for a visit. Nice to meet ya!
It's hard to believe there aren't tons of stories packed into those days of yours. Where kids are involved, there are always stories! ;-)