It Is Finished

He came, the Light, turning upside-down
Tables and kingdoms
They came for him in darkness
Wielding swords and clubs
Betrayer with a kiss and a crowd, seizing, arresting
Savior with a healing hand and legions, standing, waiting
A trial, a farce, a fulfillment
He faced them
They took his clothes
He took our shame
They beat and mocked
He bore the pain
They tore his skin
He wore the thorns
They crucified
He stayed, he died
Beaten, mocked, spat upon
Clubbed, whipped, slapped
Stripped, pierced, hung,
Crying out, forsaken
"It is finished."
Morning turns to darkness
Women turn to mourning
Linen cloths cover the wounds,
The stone covers the gaping hole
The Way, the Truth, the Life

Reader Comments (2)
We just went over this passage this morning around the breakfast table. I loved reading about it in poetical form. Thank you for sharing your gift! I have felt giftless of late, so this is encouraging--SOMEBODY is sharing their gift!
Very good!! Happy Easter to you and the other four Walkers...