At That Place Again

This week went by so fast; it's a little startling. I'm glad the weekend has arrived.
You know how I've gone on about how I need to make some significant changes, and I've had some good experiences with doing just that, and I've also sunk back into the same ruts and bad habits after making progress? Well. I'm at that place again. Actually, we are at that place again. It is just too crazy around here.
If you happen to read this and would pray for me, I would appreciate it so much. I want to honor God with my life, but I don't do that. I know what I ought to do, but I don't do it. That's not right. I imagine living into God's will is going to require a lifetime of striving, and make no mistake, I don't think I can do it on my own. The Holy Spirit will have to help me. But the changes can't be all Spirit. Nothing will be accomplished if I'm not trying at all.
So...I have some laundry to take care of, some dishes to deal with, and a heart to keep wrangling.

Reader Comments (5)
Oh, I hear ya' sister! What I want to do, I don't; what I don't want to do, I do. There's some wrangling and wrestling with self going on here, too.
Prayed for you... just now. Enjoy your weekend.
Hey friend, you doing okay? Do you ever want to call to chat?
You are in my prayers, sweet friend. I hate that I do what I do not want to do. With a holy hate. I only wish, sometimes, that the thorns in our sides would just be removed, already! Until then, I will continue to pray. For you, for me, for us all.
I relate to this one in a big way.Two steps forward, three back much of the time. I also hate that I do what I do not want to thankful for a forgiving and merciful God.
I just read a quote that "God will direct your path, but He can't drive a parked car." So true! And something we ALL struggle with. Thank you for being so honest so we know we aren't struggling alone!