David Wasn't Shaken...We Won't Be Shaken

I've lost my mind.
I know you're laughing. But I did not just realize this...I'm only confirming what we already knew.
I am now going to make a Goliath costume for Mike and Christian to wear in the childrens' choir musical Sunday. Tomorrow is dress rehearsal. Right this minute I have a pile of red fabric, two pillows, some thread, a huge breastplate...what I need is magic powers.
A sewing machine will have to do, though. Now it's time to tear it up!
Actually, to put it together, as the case may be.
And if you haven't heard this song, please listen to it now, or at your earliest convenience. It's stuck in my head, and it's a good one.
From what I understand, this is Building 429 singing after the Sandy Hook shooting. You have to go to about 2:00 for the song. This has become one of our new family favorites. The first time I heard it was when driving to Memphis last week, and I've gotta tell you, on the heels of the Boston bombing, I had tears streaming down my face. A reminder that God is sovereign and that we are firmly in his hands is always good.

Reader Comments (2)
love this song! and I'm glad you're the one who has to do the sewing, and NOT ME, and needles and me and sewing and creativity are not bosom buddies ...
Word. Of. Mercy! I'm so glad I didn't read this right after the bombings. We were a hot mess waiting for a neighbor to return safely with his family after running that day. We've all been pretty shaken since then. Life is fragile. And yet, God is Sovereign. Thank you LORD!