The Silvery Light of the Moon
Everything's soft in the light of the moon,
In the silvery light of the moon.
The shadowy shimmery light of the moon
Softly streams across the room.
Everything glows in the light of the moon,
In the glimmery light of the moon.
The gleaming glancing light of the moon
Gracefully glides across the room.
Everything's calm in the light of the moon,
In the cozy light of the moon.
The quietly constant light of the moon
Carefully carries across the room.
Everything's still in the light of the moon,
In the steadfast light of the moon.
The serenely silent light of the moon
Sweetly summons across the room.
I watch your face by the light of the moon,
Asleep, asleep in the light of the moon,
Adrift in the dreamy drape of the moon,
Which delicately dances across the room.
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