Home Again

Lying down in one's own bed is practically a delicious feeling. Camp beds are notoriously uncomfortable, but my poor couple of nights of sleeping could just as well be attributed to the terrified anticipation of a centipede crawling across my forehead in the middle of the night.
Fortunately, no such horrid things happened (that I know of), and our final day at camp began early since we had to be completely packed with cars ready to go by breakfast.
Because I have had a long day (and believe me when I say it was already a long day by the time we finished eating our first meal, much less by the time I pulled into the school's drive after hurtling down the highway with Very Loud Boys in my car) I am going to put my burning eyes out of their misery and get some sleep.
Mike thanked me again for going, and said it sounded like it wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be, which it wasn't. Isn't that what we often discover?
Besides, if I hadn't been there, who would have made sure those sandy pants of his made it into his dirty clothes bag rather than his suitcase?! And just for the record, I gave him a squirt of hand sanitizer and asked him to wash his hands exactly ZERO times. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Reader Comments (2)
I'm glad it turned out better than you anticipated. I secretly like camping, but only if my hubs is there too because he does all the work : ) He loves setting up all the gear, cooking, cleaning up, fire building...I like to relax in my camp chair and sleep under the stars : )
Such true and poignant words there, my friend. Things hardly ever turn out to be near as bad as we think they are going to be. And, ROFL about stick that in your pipe OCD. HA!