Houses and Hearts

One of the many conditions from which I suffer is FLAT SURFACE SYNDROME. Does this affliction plague anyone else? The symptoms manifest themselves in a variety of ways, but always include items that belong somewhere in particular, but end up on top of a flat surface which is not the actual somewhere that they ought to go. And there they remain for an indefinite but definitely too long period of time. Most likely they remain because it is easy to leave the items in their present though incorrect location. There are distractions which lead those suffering from this condition in other directions, in order to tend to more urgent things. There are the daily tasks which must get done, like dishes or laundry or bathing the children, and so the items remain aliens in a strange land, pilgrims on a long journey that seems like it will never end. These things do have homes, though. And I am determined to help them find their rightful places and bring peace and harmony to our house as things are set to right. There are the mild cases...
and there are the extreme scenarios...
We have bookshelves...
and countertops...
(The two above examples fall into the extreme category, because they are both hiding behind something else and therefore not prominent, making it even easier to ignore the items; here I would like to enter a plea of unpacking incompetence, by which I cannot be charged guilty in the true sense of the word, and through which I may buy myself a little sympathy as well as time.) These areas are always a source of great irritation, but they can also be an interesting study in human psychology.
How does one end up with a dead cell phone, a watch, a remote control, a lid to a sauce pan, a coaster, a change sorter, some earrings, some Stitch Witchery, and a little Mexican hat all in the same spot? Don't forget the lotion and the baseball cards. I'll tell you's the path of least resistance. Or the easy way out. Or the lazy alternative to following through and putting things where they belong. It is unusual in that this is both a key cause and symptom of FSS and is almost impossible difficult to treat in many cases. I will be honest with you. I waffle daily, hourly even, between feeling terminal, hopeless, incurable, and feeling as though a big change were coming, the time is ripe, the time is now for a new way of living. Tonight I'm feeling the change. I'm motivated. I've already got one surface cleared off, and I'm working on a second. I think I'll go with it! I'll strike while the iron is hot! I'll make hay while the sun shines! I'll just do it! I'll see how many clichés I can use in a single post. Wish me happy putting-things-away! (We know how this often turns out, as represented by my putting-away-clean-laundry I really need support here, folks.)
#1 They always want to see what you did in school.
#4 They help find missing toys.
#5 They cheer for your soccer team.
#6 They are sew special. They always have a fun project to do.
#8 They love midnight snuggles.
#9 They get to go to your birthday party.
#10 They go through all of the random stuff that was thrown together at the last minute when you moved, sort it, and help to put it away in a proper place.
There are a million more reasons why I would love for our families to be closer, my parents, Mike's parents, siblings, cousins, and all. But I am so grateful for how close we are in spite of the miles between us. Our homes may be separated by many, many states, but our hearts are connected by a bond that somehow bridges that distance.
Help! Help! I'm drowning in a sea of dirty laundry!
No, seriously...a sea. It is Sunday evening. The last load of laundry I remember doing was Tuesday of last week. Then we got very intent on getting things in the new house so we could start sleeping here. Each night after the kids were in bed it seemed too late to start a load and we were doing other things anyway (like running to Steak 'n' Shake for milkshakes-c'mon people, there are important things to get done!). Then when we did get into the new house, I discovered the washing machine that comes with this house didn't work properly. Like, it filled up with water, sat for a long time, and drained. Then it filled with water again, sat for a while, and drained. So, the clothes got really, soaking wet...but not so clean. We debated about what to do...try to get it fixed, switch it out for our own machines (which are in the garage), what to do, what to do... Meanwhile, the laundry has been PILING UP. I have six garbage bags of dirty clothes and towels. I have the new towels that we purchased on Friday (which I must wash before using-sorry, but I gotta' do it), the sheets on the beds are getting gnarly, there are multiple blankets which have gotten dirty during this move. Plus, there is a laundry basket at the old house with dirty clothes that didn't get washed before we left, and another garbage bag full. Oh my word. Did I really just tell everyone how much dirty laundry we have? I did. I want you to share in my pain.
I actually enjoy doing laundry-I love when it's clean, and smells so good, and it's warm from the dryer. I'll be in hog heaven when I'm through with all this. Just trying to look at the bright side of things. Another problem this washing machine situation is causing is that because I cannot wash anything (and I have talked about a laundromat-I know that is an option) we are running out of some clean things. Certain things are not a problem-underwear, kids clothes, even our own stuff, we're good on. But clean towels, I have none. Not even dish towels, which is what I used to dry Eliana off after her bath tonight. It was the last clean one in the basket. I had to get creative with the older kids, too. But they were bathed and dried all the same. Mike is on a mission to have the problem fixed by tomorrow. And then I will be doing laundry until next Wednesday. At which point I'll be swimming in a sea of clean laundry, which no doubt will be piled up on all the beds in the house.
Ahh, then it will feel like home...