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We've been home a little while now, and an impending move, a PhD deadline, homeschooling responsibilities, and lack of sleep have led to one unenthusiastic mama.  Although, I will say, I was singing some lovely aria the other morning to start Mike's day off right, and he said that it really did! 

All of this is to say I have been trying to capture moments of sweetness and joy and savor them (I won't say I'm doing a great job at that, but I do want to try...).  Here are a few fun photos of our little munchkin being funny. 

Mike caught her "walking" in the living room with her shoes on. 

This was just too cute.

And you may wonder why I think this is funny.  You are probably thinking,"Aren't there, like, 50 pictures of Eliana eating yogurt already on this website?"  Well, here she is eating it with a fork, and this is after refusing to eat it with a spoon.  And I mean refusing.  And that particular bite combined with that particular expression is pretty funny.  Too much writing, I know, but I couldn't help it this time. 

At any rate, I wanted to share those right now, and there are more to come soon...


You Say,"Potato"

I have a very serious question.  It keeps me up at night.  It makes me sweat because I'm trying so hard to think of an answer.  I (used to) twirl my hair over it.  I pore over books to find a solution.

Please, where can I keep my potatoes?  Can someone help me with this problem?  I do not have a great "potato storage area."  Do you?  Is there such a thing?  If I had a lot of money, I would give someone a big reward for helping me come up with a brilliant, economical, and attractive solution to this...

Lovely, no?  You cannot see the potatoes, because they are in the brown paper bag.  That is my attempt at "a cool, dark place."  So you see, I need some help from you smart people out there!


A Realization

For those of you who know me pretty well, the effects of this realization will be clear.  I was about to take a plate out of the dishwasher when I realized that I had never run it since last night.  I was waiting for the breakfast dishes, and then I just never got around to loading it with the extras and all of a sudden it's 2:15 and I'm thinking,"Sure, my dishwasher's clean."  Well, at least I realized that before I got a plate out for the kids' banana bread.

But, wait...  Ask me on what did I put Michaela's quesadilla and my turkey Sloppy Joe at lunchtime?  "Christina, what did you use for your lunch?"  Yes, my answer is...two plates from the UNCLEAN dishwasher.  And not just unclean, but hamburger-blood-dripping-in-the-sink-while-I-got-dinner-ready-unclean.  I did basically wash everything before I put it in there, to get big chunks of food off.  But still.  And there's not a darn thing I can do about it.   

I'm really grossed out right now.  Really. 


Without Further A"Do"...

Here is my new hair...which is actually more like a lot less of my old hair. 

Just for those of you who were curious if I did cut it some more!


Trying to Get Away...

If you are reading this, then you may know about my putting-laundry-away problem (which, by the way, grows more serious every day as the piles get bigger and bigger).   When we were in Florida for Christmas, I happened to notice this one night...

This is after putting most of the clean laundry away. 

Will someone please inform my putting-laundry-away problem that it is not welcome on my vacations...I'm trying to relax, you know?!