It Ain't Over Yet...

You thought I was all done talking about them, didn't you?
"If you'da been thinkin', you wouldn't 'a thought that."
Here is what happened: I was able to purchase the VIP experience (If you have to pay to be a Very Important Person, can you still call yourself a VIP?) for Michaela and me, and the perks included getting into the concert early (hence the third row seats), a freshly-signed-by-each-member-of-the-band poster for each of us, and a chance to shake their hands and stand for a photo.
I want to squeal, still.
Each one of them shook our hands, looked us right in the eyes, and asked our names. I even remember one of them asking Michaela where she was from. Michaela will have to tell you what she thought of this, so I will speak for myself for a minute. After asking my name, each one of them looked at me and listened to me say,"Christina," shook my hand, and smiled in a way that made me feel, even if for just that moment, that they not only would remember my name, but that they truly cared! In the end, it was not the extra money that made me a VIP that night. Rather, it was Drew, Chad, Jon, Jerome, and Tim taking the time to make me feel like I mattered, even though I was one out of a thousand people who had shown up for the concert, and one out of another hundred who were waiting to meet them.
I had many things to say, but I refrained, and kept my comments to a minimum (there was a long line of people, you know). I told Jon that every movie should be like that one (and I wish I could have elaborated, but I hope he knew what I meant), and that after watching it I felt like I knew them. He grinned and said...well, I can't remember if he said,"All right!" or,"Wooooo!" (I'll see if Michaela remembers, for the sake of accuracy and posterity...haha!), and then he gave me a high-five. I high-fived Jon Foreman. And I'm pleased to say that I nailed it (and not in the Pinterest-fail kind of way), and didn't miss his hand and hit Jerome in the face. Although they may have remembered my name for real if something like that had happened...
Meeting them was a wonderful experience, and I hope that Christian and Eliana can have the same chance one day (read: I want to do that again).