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Can I quote you on that?


March 16, 2010

A little context for this conversation...Christian has recently studied the founding of our country as well as the Civil War in school.

Christian:  George Washington gave his slaves money.

Michaela:  Really?

Christian (shrugging coolly):  Yeah.

Michaela:  How much?

Christian:  About ten dollars.


Seeing as how I don't remember studying this particular topic...I did not have much to add to the conversation.  The things they learn in first grade!


March 12, 2010

I took the girls to Walmart and we went back and forth across the store (true Christina-style) and on the third time across I said,"Oh, the kitchen gadgets...I love kitchen gadgets!"

Michaela said,"Why do you like kitchen gadgets since you don't like to cook?"

That girl is too smart for me, I tell you.  Why do I like kitchen gadgets, since I don't like to cook?  I have no answer for that question.  None.


March 11, 2010

Today we forgot to get Christian his lunch.  Sometimes we don't get it ready in the morning, and then just run it over by lunchtime.  I think Mike and I both thought the other one was doing it.

Later in the day I asked Christian what he had for lunch, and he said,"Hot lunch."  The sweet people at his school of course wouldn't let him go hungry. 

I asked him,"But what did you eat?"

He said,"A chicken sandwich, some was good.  Some fruit."

My kids don't like sandwiches (most of the time) so I said,"What kind of chicken sandwich?!" 

He replied,"Beef."




March 10, 2010

Eliana drew some things on a note card and then folded it in half.  She turned to me and said,"It's a book."  Then she said,"I'm going to read it to you."

"Once upon a time...there was a mom and a durl [girl]."  Then she looked at me and smiled so big.  She then said,"That was a good story!"


February 26, 2010

I was in the kitchen and Eliana came running in motioning with her hand,"Tum here!  Tum here, Mommy!"

I asked her what it was.  She cried out,"It's a peent spider!"

I said,"A pink spider?!"

She showed me what she was talking about...

A craft feather, a spider...meh, what's the difference?

A little later she came running to me saying,"The peent spider is on my foot!  It's on my foot!"

Sure enough. 

It's the Webb genes...they're to blame.

I told her to get it off and she said,"You det it!"


February 23, 2010

Michaela:  Eliana, who is Jesus?  Jesus is our Savior.  Can you say that?

Eliana:  Jesus is our Savior.

Michaela:  Why is Jesus our Savior?  Do you know why Jesus is our Savior?  He had to die on the cross for our sins.

Eliana:  He had to die on cross for sins.

(a conversation overheard)


February 21, 2010

"It's my hat!"

"It's a umbrella!"

"It's a tunnel!"



February 18, 2010

Christian stood behind me as I was getting ready to look for a picture in our web albums.  One of the album covers, so to speak, is a picture of my dad and me just before we headed down the aisle on Mike and my wedding day. 

Christian asked,"Who is that?"

I said,"Me!" 

Then he asked,"No, that," meaning my dad.

I answered,"Grandpa!"

He went on,"Why are you wearing...all's fancy..."

He didn't seem to know exactly what to call my outfit.  I said,"I was getting married."

He said softly,"Ohhh."  He paused and looked at me.  "To Dad?"

That would be the one and only, my dear.


February 16, 2010

Of one of the ice skaters..."He struggles with consistency sometimes."

I'm giggling.  Does anyone else think that's funny?


February 16, 2010

I walked into the living room and saw Eliana sitting in our chair with a set of Wedgits in her lap (Wedgits are a building toy).  She was being very quiet and looked industrious.  I said,"Are you a busy girl?"

She replied,"I'm wer-ting on my dissertation!"



February 14, 2010

Watching the Olympic pairs figure skaters (I'm not sure how to say that, sorry!) Christian asked with a funny grin on his face,"Are they in love?"

What's very funny about this is that it was actually the Russian pair that are (is?) quite the opposite.

(It was nice to see her trying to comfort him, I thought.)


Oh, here are a couple more! 

Mike said,"I can do that!"  Michaela said,"Really?!" 

Then Christian said,"You would dance with a girl?"  Mike said,"Yeah!  As long as it was your mom."  Then Christian said,"Well, yeah!"


February 4, 2010

I was discussing with Michaela the benefits of making one's bed; I said that even if your room is messy and you make your bed, it will make your room look better even if it is the only thing that you do.  I went on to say,"What ever happened to your room anyway; we were working on cleaning it up.  Then we just stopped."  She was quiet for one second and then said,"Actually, we were cleaning up my closet...we were messing up my room."

Sigh.  Of course, she was right.  Why does she have to be so smart?


February 2, 2010

Here are a couple of funny things from two of the progeny...

Michaela:  I just want to have a little picnic outside before it gets so hot, you know?  (Right.  It's FEBRUARY.)


Me to Christian:  You're going to want a sweater or something.

Christian:  No; I'm a vampire so I like being cold.


February 1, 2010

Mike came in and set a chocolate milkshake on the desk next to me.  He said,"You don't have to drink it, but I got this for you..."

I don't have to drink it?!  I don't even understand what that means.  Was he speaking in another language?


January 30, 2010

Christian was putting one of his new Star Wars Lego sets together.  Michaela wanted to help and had been.  He asked her and then yelled at her to stop.  She marched away saying firmly,"I'm never helping you with that ever again or finding pieces, least for today."


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