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Can I quote you on that?


May 11, 2010

My children possess good character traits (along with those that are less desireable, of course) I told Michaela that she was so patient.  She said,"I know."

After dinner Christian took our Swiffer vacuum and went under and around the table and then all through the house with it (it rocks, by the way).  I thanked him for doing that and he said,"I'm just that kind of kid."

They are humble, too!


May 1, 2010

Eliana:  The Jabberwocky is coming!  The Jabberwocky is coming!


And no, I have no idea how she knows the word.  As usual.


April 28, 2010

I was looking at pictures on our computer today and Eliana saw pictures of her dad at the beach.  For whatever reason I said,"Yep.  Hairy daddy," referring to his chest.

She said,"He's not hairy!"

I said,"Yes, he is!"

She replied, as though I were a complete idiot,"He doesn't have any hair!"


April 22, 2010

I understand that this is probably one of those you-had-to-be-there kind of things, but I'm sharing it anyway.  When I was with my friends we had a dinner of falafel and a cucumber based sauce, along with pitas and grapes.  So yummy.  I asked if the cucumber concoction was cucumber raita.

My friends all looked at me as if I were crazy.  One of them said,"Is that Klingon for tzatziki?!"

I almost wet my pants.  It was one of the funniest things, but like I said, you probably had to be there.


April 19, 2010

Here are quotes from the smaller people in this house.

Michaela:  I thought as much.  (When I told her that I had eaten the chocolate chip cookie that was left.)

Christian:  That's because I am the best.  (I don't know what he was talking about, but it was said with a great deal of certainty.)

And finally, a conversation...

Eliana:  I want some ice cream.

Me:  How does your stomach feel?

Eliana:  Good for ice cream.


April 18, 2010

I walked into the room with a cup and Michaela said,"What are you drinking?"

I told her,"My drink."

She kept asking me and I finally said,"It's Pepsi."

She said,"You told us you were going to should keep your resolution."

I laughed and said,"Thank you for the reminder."

She paused a second and then said,"I'm keeping my resolution for the year."

I said,"Oh yeah?  What is it?"

She told me,"My resolution is to eat less peas this year."

Somehow I think that's not as hard as mine.


April 15, 2010

Michaela, to her parents:

You should do it cheerfully and get it over with.  Both with cleaning the house and other disagreeable things.


April 14, 2010

Eliana says funny things pretty much all are two from today.

As we were walking down the sidewalk, she had turned around.  I said,"Come on!"  She said,"I'm backingward!"


She came up to me this evening and said she had poopies.  I checked and told her we needed to get that out of there.  She said,"Not with your fingers!"  I agree.


April 14, 2010

Eliana discovered that Michaela was outside painting.  She immediately wanted to go out, too.  I put her shoes on and sent her out, and as she ran to the back of the porch/patio she cried out,"I'm here!!"

Michaela called from around the corner,"Yay!"

I'm sure you had to be there, but it was really sweet.


April 6, 2010

As Eliana and I sat at the dining room table late in the afternoon, the sun came in through the window, but not before weaving through the branches and leaves just outside...

The sun made these amazing shadows on our open dining room door on the opposite wall and Eliana saw the darkness flittering, and waving all around.  She said,"What's that?!"  I told her that it was the shadow from the tree outside and that it came in because of the sun.  She told me,"It makes it pretty!"

A few minutes later she told me she loved me, and then gave me a hug and a kiss.

Those are some kissin' lips, are they not?!


March, 2010

I've been meaning to add this here for a while; it happened sometime recently.

We were sitting after dinner and I burped (yes, I did.  It doesn't happen very often, for sure, but every now and then...).  The kids thought that was funny, and I laughed and said,"It sounded just like a duck."  They laughed even harder at that.  Then I said,"Well, I did used to have Webb feet, you know."  (My maiden name is Webb.)  They looked at me grinning for a minute, and then Michaela burst out laughing-she totally got it.  It was a cute, funny moment.


March 25, 2010

Conversations with Eliana recently...

Upon seeing our house as we drove up the street:

Eliana (smiling):  I want to go home!

Me:  What are you going to do there?

Eliana:  Play!

[We pull up in front of the house and I put the car in park]

Eliana (screaming):  I don't want to go home!

Me:  What?  What do you want to do?

Eliana:  I want to go for a little drive!

[This is what I tell her we're doing when I take her to the car to get her to sleep.  I thought maybe she was trying to tell me that she actually wanted to take a nap.  I put the car back into drive and pulled back out into the street.]

Eliana (screaming):  I don't want to go for a drive!

Me:  What?!  What do you want to do?

Eliana:  I want to go home!

[I would have put my head in my hands but I was driving.]


Upon seeing the cup I brought her this afternoon:

Eliana (fussing):  I don't want that cup!  I want a glass!  Why you bring me that cup?!

Me:  Your glass was dirty.  I thought you would like this cup.  [I set the cup down.]

Eliana (fussing more):  Where my glass?  Why you bring me that cup?

Me:  You don't have to use it.  [I removed the cup from the table and began walking toward the kitchen.]

Eliana (still fussing):  I want that cup!  Why you take my cup?!

Me:  Sigh


Why is it that the more my children learn how to talk the more they fuss and don't want to use their words? 



March 25, 2010

I showered and dressed this morning and came out into the living room where the kids were hanging out.  Eliana looked at me and said,"Where are you going?" 

I told her we weren't going anywhere.  I got on the computer to check email (and maybe a few other things - ha!) and she came over to me and asked again,"Where we going?"

I said,"Where do you want to go?"

She replied with a grin,"Church."

I said,"Church?  What do you want to do there?"

She told me,"Get a turkey."

I looked at her and asked,"Get a turkey?"

She paused for a minute and tried again, pursing her lips in order to say,"Tootie."  ("oo" as in took)  As she was regrouping I got it, and I said,"A cookie?"

Ah, yes.  That's it.  To church to get a cookie.  Taste and see that the Lord is good. 


March 22, 2010

Michaela, Eliana, and I were driving today and we passed some cute yellow houses.  I have always had a thing for yellow houses, at least as long as I can remember.  I am pretty sure it is hereditary, something my mom passed on to me.  I asked Michaela if she thought that one particular yellow house was cute.  I must indoctrinate her in this matter, and the younger she is the better. 

She looked at it and said,"Yes.  Is it for sale?"  Well, that's funny, since even if it were for sale we could afford it, like, NEVER.  I told her no, that I just liked yellow houses; I went on to tell her that her Grandma Vicki and I liked to watch for the yellow houses when we drove around because we always thought they were so lovely.  Right about that time we passed another one, and she pointed it out to me, and I said,"See?  It's just so cheerful.  Right?"  She smiled and nodded and then said,"An orange house would be even more cheerful."  I said,"Have you ever seen an orange house?!"  She smiled again, and said,"No."  I told her that I agreed, though, and certainly if I saw an orange house I would have to smile.

She is my original sweetheart.


March 20, 2010

I got dressed after my shower and met Eliana in the living room.  She looked at my long skirt (dark blue, cotton) and brightly colored t-shirt and said,"Wow!  Mommy, you look pretty!"  Christian came along and she said,"Christian, look at Mommy!"

Later in the day we went out in the car; when we got home and I took her out of the car to go inside she said again,"Why you wear that?"  I told her I like it and she said she did, too, and she wanted to wear it.  Once we were inside she followed me to the kitchen and said,"Let me feel that."  So she brushed her hands down the side of the skirt (it's not velvety or anything, just like a t-shirt) and said in almost a whisper,"I love it."

Pretty funny.

I guess it's been a while since I wore a skirt!