Really, Really Inane

ARGHH! My pictures are being super shy...they will not go from our camera to the computer! I have been thwarted two days in a row trying to upload. I'm sure there has been a lot of anxiety, wondering what we're up to, desperately needing to know what Eliana chose to wear (it was most likely her bathing suit).
Seriously, mom, it's probably just you that's so entirely interested in what's going on around here. Too bad you can't get it on Fox News, because then you'd be updated!
We've had some beautiful weather, been playing outside. Trying not to take anything for granted. Made and eaten some brownies. Made some more brownies.
I know, that's enough excitement for one day. I'm hoping to have our picture issues resolved tomorrow. I must go fold some laundry...shocking, no?

Reader Comments (1)
uhmmm, I have craving. LOL