
I thought I would share some of the fun and/or sweet moments of our day...
Christian and I played a bunch of card games during Eliana's nap today. We used some "Tonka" cards, and played things like "Go Fish", "Crazy Eights", and finally "War". During our game of "War" we flipped over a card that was the same, and played out the "I declare WAR" cards and flipped over another card-and it was the same. This happened four times in a row! We would flip our third cards and look at each other and giggle. It was worthy of a photo...
He finally won all the cards with a "9". Pretty weird, though, isn't it?
While I was making dinner, Eliana came around the corner into the kitchen with a (decrepit) little stroller we have. It is missing its seat, but she was strolling around her little baby anyway. It was so sweet. And she was so into it...
I just missed a little kiss. She picked up the baby and gave it a sweet smooch on the top of her head, then put her back down in the stroller. A few minutes later I walked into the kids' bedroom and she had put the baby into the carseat.
And it's a bummer I'm not faster, because I missed another little kiss! It's precious to watch her with baby dolls. Michaela was the same way. Now she helps me take care of our baby!
The day went from fun and sweet to just plain weird.
The evening went on and after dinner and baths I was trying to get Eliana to sleep (which has been a bit of a strange experience lately). She was going to sleep fine until recently; all of a sudden she started to cling to me like a little monkey and cried when I put her in her bed at night. So I started sitting in the room with her until she fell asleep. Sometimes I'll think,"I could be doing the dishes, or checking my email, or cleaning the bathroom..." (you know, fun and productive stuff!), but then she'll pop her head up over the side of the pack 'n' play she sleeps in at the foot of our bed (I'm usually lying down on the end of our bed) and she'll say,"Mommy?" I'll say,"Yes?" And she'll lean her little face forward with her mouth ready to give me a little kiss. And I wouldn't want to miss that for all the dirty dishes and toilets in the world. Someone else can clean them! Well, back to tonight, she was just screaming...while I'm sitting there. I'm wondering if some teeth are coming in or something because she was acting so weird. Although if I picked her up she was fine... At any rate, I finally brought her out of the bedroom because it was getting so late and I was about to lose my mind. I decided I would do the dishes with her in the exersaucer in our kitchen (I still put her in there, in emergencies!); she hung out just fine, talking to the different things on the exersaucer. I got the dishes done and then sat down at the computer for a minute; she was with me on my lap. This is at 9:38. P.M. What is up with that?
A storm came up and the alarm/warning message was playing throughout the neighborhood. It was so sudden that I wanted to see if I could see anything out of the front window. I could hear hail and it sounded like it was in the house! So I went into our living room and noticed the lights were dimmed. I turned them up a little, and faintly heard a funny noise behind me. It was a little whirring noise, or sort of a soft whistley noise. I faced back toward the room, and jumped. Here's what I saw:
Well, I don't know what you would have done, but I thought they had gotten into their beds an hour earlier and gone on to sleep.
I laughed a little at my very crazy children. What in the world got into them tonight. They are all tucked in now but I can't wait to ask them what they were up to when we get up in the morning. Does anyone have a guess? We could make it a game!
I'm hoping for the rest of the evening to be very quiet. And very not weird.

Reader Comments (1)
[...] Eliana loves to push babies around in the doll strollers we have. [...]