Choose Your Own Title: A Big Job or A Nutjob

Today I got a little taste of what it will be like to live in a large house...and have to clean it! Mike took the kids out to lunch and on a little adventure (maybe more on that another time!) which gave me the opportunity to head over, armed with broom, mopper, wipes, and trash bags, and get started on what I can now see is (going to be) a very big job.
My hope is that once I do the "big clean" that I can keep up with zones daily and weekly.
Please, stop laughing. It is not polite to make fun of me when I'm being so sincere. Actually, you can laugh because I am laughing too. This will be a real challenge for me, considering I have never in my life had a cleaning schedule, ever. Clean the top of the fridge? Nope. Dust under large items of furniture? Once a year. Wipe down blinds? Uh-uh.
What is super ironic about that information is that I'm obsessive-compulsive about germs and dirt. I freak out about other people's germs, sick germs in particular. Also about poop germs, animal poop germs in particular. And then there's dirt from outside, dirt that might have sick germs or poop germs in it in particular. (Yes, I know I am cuckoo. Mike knows too, and he still keeps me around.) These things give me anxiety attacks. I get hot and my pulse quickens. I just want to get away from it as quickly as I can.
But our germs? They don't bother me as much. It's kind of like when your own kid sneezes on your hand, you wipe it on a tissue and go about your business; if someone else's kid sneezes on your hand, you gag and want to hurl, and wash in hot, soapy water immediately. Sorry I said "your" and "you"-that scenario probably doesn't apply to you normal people at all. It's just weird old me again.
At any rate...I actually had fun getting some cleaning done, but I didn't get as much done as I had hoped. It's quite nice that we don't "have" to be in the house by a particular time, or out of our current one immediately. Maybe this can be an orderly process after all.

Reader Comments (3)
If you figure out the zones thing then let me know. I fail miserably at this and only seem to clean when the dirt is noticeable.
Also, it's always weird moving into a "new" house. There is a period of time where it's other people's germs on everything. Then, finally, one day you feel like the house is mostly your germs. That's a good feeling.
Germs don't normally freak my out, neither ours nor other people's. We had one very unpleasant move-in experience that involved a bathroom you wouldn't believe. I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone!
So, why are you guys moving?