When Little Soldiers Make Good Choices

While Eliana is asleep I am like the Drill Sergeant of Quiet. I am constantly "shushing" my two older kids so that our little one can get the rest she needs to carry on through the second half of the day.
Today is no different, and maybe even more true, because it took her FOREVER to go to sleep, and I would be really sad if she woke up prematurely. Of course, this is the day when it's 60° outside and they want to play dress-up, or actually they want to dump out all the dress-up clothes and get into the dress-up clothes bin, and they want to do this in the bedroom that is right next to the room where Eliana is sleeping.
So far, things are fine. In fact, Christian just came through our computer room (which is nestled in between our kitchen and dining room) and said to me,"We were playing a game, but we were arguing. So, I stopped the game," hand gesture indicating the stopping of the game, very serious face, head tipped to the side. "There was a game and if we kept on playing it, we would be arguing, so I said,'Michaela, we are going to stop this game!'" He looked at me, with a very intense and stern look on his face, knowingly, as if to say,"You get what I'm saying, right?"
I said to him,"Christian, that was a very good choice. I'm very proud of you. Thank you." He smiled and turned around and headed back into the other room.
Moments like that make me want to give him a medal.

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