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A Mommy Knows

Eliana ended up having a very long nap this afternoon, so long, in fact, that I went in to wake her up.  I wanted her to go to bed later!  We had a fine rest of the day, went to the playground, dropped Michaela and Christian off at Bible study, then came home and talked with my mom for a bit.  She had some yogurt.

She was rubbing her eyes and yawning all afternoon, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was up.  I had this feeling of anticipation, or expectancy...but not the kind you want to have.  I put her to bed just before 8:00, thinking it would take a while for her to fall asleep, because of her long, late nap. 

She was out in about five minutes.  Again, I had that feeling, I just knew that something wasn't quite right.

Not even a couple of hours later, she was crying.  I went in right away, because she is never up again that early.  I turned the light on right away (poor girl) and sure enough, right through the mesh of her pack 'n' play, she had thrown up all over.  She was standing there with her fingers in her mouth just boo-hooing, she didn't have a clue what that awful thing that just happened was.  What a sad little sight.

I grabbed a towel (it comes in handy, not putting your clean laundry away, see?) from the basket right next to me and scooped her up, and got everything cleaned up as well as I could.  I wrapped her all up, and laid her down, and then tried to clean up her bed a little.  I bathed her and put on clean clothes and then just held her for a long time.  I talked with my sister-in-law for quite a while; Eliana eventually fell asleep while we were on the phone. 

I knew that she would get sick one day; it's the kind of thing you hope doesn't happen for as long as possible.  Although, I know it helps their immune systems to be strong in order to fight off illnesses in the future, so...this is a positive as far as that goes.  Right?

It's just so pitiful.  She seems okay now, and I hope for a puke-free rest of the night.  (I have a bad feeling about Christian-he's tossing and turning quite a bit.)  At any rate, that little voice inside of me tells me I know my kids.  That is a good feeling.

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