On My Mind Today

There are several things I'm thinking about today...
Some of them are close to home: our imaginary move; homeschool stuff; is anyone else going to be sick and what made Eliana throw up last night; Mike and his work.
Some of them are not so close to home, but feel close in my heart. There are so many people that are hurting: my parents know many folks who have lost jobs; there are families who are falling apart; there are people fighting against diseases that rob them of moments, days, weeks, and years of life with the people they love; and there are so many who are missing someone special because they're gone much too soon.
Several weeks ago I shared about a little girl and her family who have deeply touched me; they are an amazing example of how God works through devastating circumstances to bring glory to His name, advance His kingdom, and care for His people. Some A lot of how He does this is a complete mystery, we don't understand His ways. But to be able to see His goodness in spite of the brokenness in this world is such a...victorious, triumphant blessing. Today is this little girl's birthday, her name is Cora Paige, and her family went to celebrate her first birthday at her graveside. That is so wrong, so not the way it should be. They do have the hope that we are given in knowing Christ and His resurrection, the truth in the power of His rising from death to life. They are holding on to the promises that are in God's word, His word which endures forever. They are inspiring other people, who have been invited into their suffering to help carry this burden, to be more faithful themselves.
This situation has been a springboard for my thoughts on prayer. I have been praying for them specifically, as well as other children and their families affected by cancer (unknown by me, but known by our Creator). I have been praying for many devastating situations all around the world, not in any organized fashion, but maybe that will change and something more organized will take shape.
I am a bit rambley, and I don't know exactly what I am trying to say. If you would like to meet this family, you can do so here. As I collect my thoughts, scattered though they may be, I hope to become an effective pray-er on behalf of people who are hurting, whether they are in my home or far away across the world. You can pray with and for me!

Reader Comments (1)
I've been following Cora's story too and it is an incredibly moving one. Her parents have such deep faith for young people. I've prayed for them but I like your suggestion to expand that to all families of kids with cancer.