A Birthday Party

Christian's birthday was in January, but because of several circumstances in our life together we were unable to have a party for him. The time finally came, though, for our little man to celebrate his birthday with his friends from school, soccer, and church. We have been working the last couple of days to finish getting ready, and today we were able to gather with baseball paraphernalia, cake, and lots of people!
Earlier today I put the finishing touches on his cakes, and he was able to see them when he got home from school.
At the party everyone sang to Christian and he blew out his candles before I could get a picture! He was so happy, though.
We were decked out in our Texas Rangers outfits...
(her back is to the camera, but Michaela has her jersey on)
Even Grandma was rooting for the home team...
After the party, a bath, and dinner Christian was able to open his presents; he was so excited about the special things his friends had given him. Here are a couple of my favorite expressions...
Even though it was a bit late I'm so glad we were able to celebrate his birthday, especially while Grandma was here. (I really wish Grandpa had been able to come, too!) We will be counting our blessings with Christian in our family all year long!

Christian in

Reader Comments (3)
I miss you guys...I look on your site every day and if there isn't anything new up I'm disappointed. :) You are such a great writer...and photographer...and beautiful child creator!
Awesome party, Christina! I love your cakes! Plus your china cabinet has dishes in it...which is more than I can say for mine (after > a year). You are Super Woman!!
P.S. Does your mom by chance rent herself out?
I have to say that the dishes in the china cabinet were put there by my mom and by a sweet lady at our church who came over shortly after we moved in and unpacked lots of boxes and straightened up my kitchen. And then my mom came back with a can of whoop-a$$ and took on the rest of the house. I think she came out the winner. I'll ask about her fees.
Alas, the title of Super Woman belongs elsewhere...on second thought, that's a good thing. A lot is expected of Super Woman. I can barely get the dishes washed each night.