
My mom left tonight, in the pouring rain-her flight was delayed two and a half hours! She was so exhausted when she got home, and she has to get up at 5:30 tomorrow morning to go to work. Poor woman! And that's after whipping me all week long into shape working VERY hard around here for one solid week. She didn't stop. And now I have walkways where I didn't before. And corners where I used to have fancy cardboard towers. And a pretty island where I used to have an old table piled high with the little rubber feet for our metal bookshelves, lunch boxes, a package I was supposed to send her when she left last month (also full of pistachios that were spilled in it in the car before I sealed it up), toys, tools, and clean laundry.
She folded a lot of clothes while she was here. And she put them away. I must find inspiration here!
I miss her. Eliana was walking around this evening, around dinnertime, calling,"Gramma! Gramma?! Wh'are you?" She would step forward with one foot, and crane her neck around the corner, looking for Grandma. But she has left the building.
Christian cried almost all the way home from the airport. He wished that she could have stayed longer, and that Grandpa had come too, and that they didn't ever have to leave. It is hard to be away from family.
Tonight, however, I am taking a lot of comfort in the fact that our God watches over all of us, and has connected us with a bond that is stronger than Gorilla glue. Seriously, we cannot even fathom how awesome and good He is, but we get little tastes of it. I pray that I will savor those "bites."
some thoughts in

Reader Comments (1)
I love how much you love your mom and tell us about it. There's just not enough appreciation for parents out there. You give me hope that my kids may just grow up and like me one day!