Fun Finale

Boy, are you going to be sorry that I got the camera back from Mike. I tried to pick and we'll see. One of the Kindergarten moms (she had a child in each of the three classes!) had shirts made for each student. Christian's teacher is Ms. Ferris...on the front of the shirt is a ferris wheel with one kid in each seat. How cute is that? Ferris' Friends!
Under the ferris wheel it says,"It has been a great ride this year." I got all teary looking at it the night before, when I pulled it out of his bag.
He seemed pretty happy about his book from the exchange...
There were a few other pictures from the class party, they had a reading time, and a snack. But here are some really funny ones from the field day...
These pictures crack me up-Christian actually made it all the way around the cone and back before he crashed...
He kept checking to see how the other guy was doing-cutting his eyes over. He also concentrates with his tongue sticking out...
He was totally ready for the tug-of-war...
The first time his side lost. The second time, he literally hand-over-fisted that rope and dug his heels in-he was not about to let victory go!
He's one of the smaller boys in his class, but he is strong!
And the parents against the kids? Fuggetaboudit!
They didn't stand a chance...
Take a wet sponge, fill a bucket...
There he goes with his tongue again!
Ah, in the middle of it all, Mike saved me from my folly yet another time-I couldn't find my car keys, and the stroller was in the car. I was holding Eliana this whole time. He brought stroller and keys.
Back to silly games...more water. Balloons filled with the wet stuff, tucked under the chin; kids must run around the cone without touching balloons with their hands. Who comes up with this stuff?
Oh no! He lost this one!
A refreshing refreshment...
Isn't she sweet? She hung out the whole time, watching this craziness...
Final game: the three-legged race. Seriously? I don't know what was funnier, this or the sack race. But this was pretty darn funny. They literally fell all over each other, and what was great about it is they thought it was hilarious too.
What a great class! He made some wonderful friends this year.
There were group hugs at the end (along with some tears...too sweet)...
Christian had such a good year. He did a fantastic job academically. He had not really been in a classroom before, in such an intense way, and he did well adjusting to the demands and constant distractions that are in this kind of environment (not that he doesn't still need some work in this area...); I think he would say the best thing was his friends. We're fortunate that many of these folks go to our church, so I know we'll see them around. All I can say is this year was a blessing!

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