An Update: This Just In-Please Don't Gag

It's been a while since we spoke of my toe...well, I got my stitches out today. The nurse said it wouldn't hurt, not a bit. He is a fibber. And the doctor said that it was all healed and looked really good. The eye of the beholder, right? So here is my scarred toe-you can even see the holes where the stitches were. I don't think this appendage will ever be the same.
It's still sore.
If you haven't gagged yet, you might do it now, because I'm going to show you yet another picture of what I have done here in the unpacking category. The reason I know you might want to gag is because I do. I am thoroughly sick of the subject...however, since misery loves company I invite you to share in this my ridiculously long experience of getting settled in our (no longer) new home.
Here is an area that earlier today was ENTIRELY covered with stuff. One box had lost its bottom (hey, I wish I could lose my bottom) and the contents lay scattered on top of and amidst other boxes and super random weirdo junk. I started by making eye contact with one thing, picking it up, and finding a new spot for it. Not everything ended up in a proper location, but things are at least in more reasonable locations...closets or shelves. Here is the result... (I would have done more, but Eliana woke up from her nap-after only 50 minutes!)
It's likely that only my mom can really appreciate the magnitude of this moment. This was truly one of the worst areas in the house. It's such a small space. Yet, it was such an immense disaster. A few more boxes unpacked...a little at a time. I feel like I am cutting down a California Redwood with a toothpick. But even if it is 2013 by the time we're settled, at least we will have made it.
Just for fun, what is the kookiest accident that you have had? I have talked ad nauseum about my toe...I'd love to hear some of your stories! I need a distraction (like I need another needle in my toe! But it would be fun to hear!).

Reader Comments (3)
The toe actually looks pretty good! I'm glad it's healing so well.
Let me think . . . um, in 8th grade Mike F. was trying to steal my candy cane and he picked me up and dropped me and I landed on my elbow and it broke.
Not nearly as good as your needle story I'm afraid.
<p>In high school I gave blood when the blood mobile came to the school and then fainted a little while the middle of the cafeteria. I landed on my face, split open my chin (needed 3 stitches) and they insisted on wheeling my to the clinic in a wheelchair. Hard to look cool!</p>
<p>Wendy, I remember that day. I must have been about nine years old. Not to be insensitive or anything, but in mentioning that you didn't look cool when you fainted in the cafeteria and got wheeled out in the wheelchair, did you mean to imply that you DID look cool at other times? That's the part I don't remember....:).</p>