
This morning two of the worship services in our church met together, The 11:05, our contemporary service, and All Nations, which is a service made up of mainly African folks, who sing in Swahili and dance at the same time! By the second song it was all I could do to hold back tears. Watching all those Presbyterians clap their hands and move their hips, hearing so many people praising God in two different languages but all together...it was a taste of Heaven.
Raise your hands, all you nations;
Shout to God, all creation.
How awesome is the Lord most high!
Great are You, Lord,
Mighty in strength.
You are faithful,
You will ever be.
We will praise You
All of our days.
It's for Your glory
We offer everything.
Raise your hands, all you nations;
Shout to God, all creation.
How awesome is the Lord most high!
Where You send us
God, we will go;
You're the answer
We want the world to know.
We will trust You
When You call our name.
Where You lead us
We'll follow all the way.
We will praise You together
For now and forever.
How awesome is the Lord most high!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
How awesome is the Lord most high.
(How Awesome is the Lord Most High-Chris Tomlin)
Indeed, how wonderful it was to raise hands offering God glory and praise alongside white-haired ladies clapping and lifting their own hands as well as Kenyans moving their bodies joyfully worshiping the Lord of all of us. And to hear Michaela's voice calling out those words,"How awesome is the Lord most high!" Well, there are no words for that.

Reader Comments (1)
What a blessing a service like that is!