Fun Times and Swimming Lessons

I took the kids to the pool today, and while I can't say it was the most fun I've ever had, they had a great time. Christian splashed right in...
while Michaela took Eliana in slowly.
Eliana wasn't sure what to think; I believe she was having memories of her time in the pool learning to float. She was a bit dubious until she got used to the water. After that, she was quite brave. Because she is in diapers I had to stay in the kid pool area, but it's a pretty large pool. It has a long sloping entrance and eventually gets to the depth of two feet. There is a circle at the deeper end with a fountain in the center; I'm not sure of the depth of this ring, but it's not much more than two feet. She went in until only the very tops of her shoulders and head stuck out. She just kind of bobbed and hopped about, watching for Christian and Michaela to swim around and come up out of the water in front of her. She laughed, and called for them, and flapped her hands, and wiped the splashes out of her eyes, and squealed.
We didn't stay very long because I learned that you should never shave after a long period of time and then go straight to a swimming pool and get in. My legs were so itchy that I thought I was going to lose my mind; they were so itchy that I was having hallucinations and weird visions about them. And it's really hard to discreetly scratch all of both of your legs while standing in the middle of a pool that is one and a half feet deep, two at most. The kids' lips were also turning blue; even though it was hot outside, the water was getting to them. I asked Christian if he was cold and ready to go, and he shook his head yes, while shivering, holding his hands and arms together in front of him in a "V" shape, and said,"No," at the same time. I decided it was time to head on home. We had a few minutes of resting and drying off before we left...
I wish I had more pictures, but our camera requested to stay dry. Now it is the end of the day and I have to figure out how I'm going to get the dishes done, because Eliana is having a hard time sleeping, and it looks to me like she's having nightmares about some of her time in the pool. There was one instance when she lost her balance and she went into a floating position! She did a great job, and once she floated I picked her up and told her she did well. And then she had a blast. While trying to go to sleep tonight, however, she would seem almost there and then she would sit up on her knees and flail a bit. It looked like she was trying not to fall! It was kind of strange to watch her swim in her bed. I usually stay in there until she falls asleep, but tonight I stayed a little longer; I was worried she was going to be sick. She did have a yucky diaper...pool water? Pizza sauce? Who knows? She has no fever, and is sleeping just fine in my lap! Hence my dishes dilemma. Thank you for listening to that ramble.

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