A Lot of People Are Coming to Our House

Not only are we anticipating a visit from my parents, but we are also looking forward to hosting two of my girlfriends from seminary who are driving in next week (one from West Texas and one from Mississippi). They are each bringing three children. We got together about one year ago, and the year before that the husbands joined the fun, including one other couple.
These are friends that will be forever. We can talk about anything (and do), and they love me in spite of all my weirdness unique qualities.
Last year Rebecca and I headed to Ami's...and there we had SO MUCH FUN! There were...
nails to paint...
rays to catch...
chocolatey kids to clean up...
laughs to, well, laugh...
wings to soar...
photo opportunities to capture...
sweet smiles to share...
fun friends to hang with...
and then there was me...
I told you I'm weird. See what my sweet, beautiful, talented friends put up with?
I can't wait to see everyone. It will be so fun to see all the kids together, to catch up, and to take more pictures of all of the changes.
How much has everyone grown? What teeth are missing? What teeth have come in? Whose hair is different?
Now, while my friends love me just the way that I am, I do think they will appreciate a place to sleep and some clean bathrooms...so I must begin to prepare in earnest for their arrival. Our sofa bed looks like the Mount Everest of clean clothes. Oh dear, where am I going to put my clean laundry while they are here?! I've got some planning to do!
Reader Comments (4)
You went to seminary?!?! Oh, wow... I am so jealous of that.
Have a wonderful time!
No one should ever be jealous of my seminary experience! My husband and I started out in an M.Div. program together, but the academic life was not working so well with my, um, stellar study habits. We were also still freshly wed...it was a bit stressful. Some couples can do it (we had other friends who were married and in school together), but I eventually dropped out, and then started having babies. :) Even though I was an English Major in college, the papers in seminary kicked my sorry behind. I loved the lectures, though.
Clean bathrooms and sheets - yes. As for the rest? Eh. I know I wouldn't care. It's just fun to be together and the less "put together" the house is when they arrive the less they'll have to worry about what their kids mess up.
I can see that... there are definitely periods of my life when higher education wouldn't have worked out so well (wait... right now is still one of those periods). Still... I have my eye on a Masters of Theology someday. I think I would love it...