The Not-So-Calm Before the Storm (A Good One)

Visitors arriving in the next 24 hours will certainly get you motivated to clean up around your house, if you are the kind of person who otherwise is untidy and a disaster in general. I've been trying to clean up most of today. This is what I have to say about that...
Cleaning your house while three children are in the house with you is like washing your hands using dirt. In other words, not very effective. I manage to get things put away, and they accomplish a lot of unputting things away. So while we're all being productive, things don't look all that different when I'm done. I give them a job to do and halfway through the job their autopilot turns on and the toy that they were relocating suddenly inspires a complex game which involves some other toys, some stuffed animals, some playing cards, and the tea set. Also a loveseat cushion that has yet to make it onto the loveseat because it is still sitting in the garage awaiting a good bath before use.
They stayed very busy while I got the living room picked up and vacuumed and I am grateful for that. They played together, for the most part, and I am grateful for that. They cranked Michael W. Smith up in the CD player and sang as loudly as they could for fun and I am grateful for that. And they didn't complain about their dinner which was late and I am grateful for that.
I have a feeling that cleaning up all the toys before the arrival of six more children is like brushing the little bit of dirt off the sidewalk before an impending tornado blows through. I think I'll just wait until after the dust settles before doing much more...
Bring on the fun and the brownies!

Reader Comments (3)
Shoveling snow in a snowstorm... that's what it is- day in and day out.
I hope you have a wonderful visit with your friends!
On another note: I noticed the book you are reading (The Prodigal God)- Will you give a review when you are finished. I LOVE reading books about faith, theology, religion, God etc...
Like I said - as long as the toilets and sheets are clean none of the rest matters.
Of course, I say that to you but when my type A sister and her family are on the way I do exactly the same thing!
I will Lori, I can say already that it's a great book. I think Tim Keller is amazing.
Mindee, the bathrooms are almost ready...I need to tackle the giant dustballs that gather in the upstairs bedrooms. They are wicked.