For Eyes

This is our oldest, Michaela...
She is an independent, opinionated, confident, sweet girl.
On the inside she remains the same, but what I see before me is changing quickly these days. I'm still trying to get used to her bangs, this framing of her face is so different for me. She wanted them so badly, and I didn't want her to get them. I tried to put my own likes and dislikes in her mind, but she knew what she wanted. They are cute, but I have to say sometimes I miss seeing her little forehead. It's a silly thing, I know.
While the bangs were a personal decision for her, a necessary change in her life is that she needs glasses. This is no surprise really. I'm descended from a blind mole rat, I think, and Mike's eyes aren't that great either.
Mike took her to an appointment the other morning to get her eyes examined and later that afternoon we all headed out in order to find the perfect pair. We ended up visiting three different stores, and trying on 7,842 pairs of glasses. I'll only show you pictures of a few of them, though. I wouldn't want to send you to the eye doctor in need of new glasses yourself!
Of course, one of the first pair she tried on was orange...
They were deemed too big by the associate who was helping us. They may have been ruled out for other reasons as well...
I was surprised at how many bold, colorful options there were for children...
These were a little more tame...
She had some decisions to make; we asked her to narrow it down to her favorite three.
Clip-on sunglasses were a fun option...
And Christian wanted to try some on, too. What do you think? Studious? Pretty cute-ious.
Then there were these. She didn't like them so much.
Her dad picked these out...pretty snazzy, huh?
In store #2 she tried these on...
We all liked them, but she wanted to try one more store. Just to see.
At our third and final destination (thank goodness, because I was now in a sweat chasing after Christian and Eliana who had been very good but were getting a little tired of small stores filled with row after row of glasses that they couldn't touch) Michaela modeled some more options for her dad.
And decided on two pairs, which we got for a great deal at this place here.
Choice #1:
Simple and practical, silver frames that will go with just about anything. They are adorable.
Choice #2:
These glasses are RED with a zebra print on the inside! They are so cute. She said,"They'll give my outfits a little POP!" and did a very Broadway-esque dance move, flinging her arms out and sliding across the floor with one foot behind the other.
We are all happy that she found glasses she really likes and is comfortable wearing. She is excited about them. Also, she is quite pleased to be able to see clearly.
Speaking of seeing clearly, I am realizing that what I see before my very eyes is not necessarily a change...while her appearance may be a little different than what it was before, it seems that instead of changing she is actually the girl she has always been. Just with a little "POP!"

Reader Comments (7)
So did she get both? If not, I vote for the red with zebra. :)
Hayden has had his for a year now (he had contacts the first year - we do things backwards) and it's gotten to where I think he looks different when they're off!
Michaela has a great chin.
It is weird that I notice things like that?
We love the ones that you chose! They are so cute!
Love, Catherine, Nicholas, and John
Mindee, she did get both. They are both great. And the deal was, too. Two pairs of glasses were half the price of one pair at the first place we went to! We were all happy at the end of the day.
Oh my gosh- she totally picked the best ones! Love both of them! She'll be so glad to have nice everyday ones, and ones that will make her 'pop!" Have I mentioned that I LOVE red. I would love red glasses...
She is positively darling. I'm glad she is taking this change in stride. Glasses are so much cuter and more fashionable nowadays. Thank goodness!
Oh, Lori, if you could only see some of the glasses I wore...
But my sister-in-law said she had the same experience with big, clunky glasses so it must have been the way it was.
I love the red ones too.
Thanks for calling me a blind mole-rat.
I love you, Dad! No matter what your eyesight!